Illegal Alien Who Killed Kate Steinle Found Not Guilty Of Murder

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tom B, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Outside publicity is not supposed to be considered by a jury. We political junkies follow these kinds of cases. Most people have never heard of this guy or Kate Steinle. One of two things happened here. Either the prosecution put on a lame case or the jury should be put in jail themselves. Maybe both.

    Juries convict loving parents who forgot and left toddlers in a hot car. How can they not convict an illegal alien drug dealer who shot a woman on Fisherman's Wharf?
    #71     Dec 1, 2017
    traderob and Tom B like this.
  2. UsualName


    The whole thing is shitty. And, I know no one wants to hear about this but I really believe if this had not become an election issue the prosecution would not have over reached. I also think Bergdahl got off because that was politicized too.
    #72     Dec 1, 2017
  3. Tom B

    Tom B

    There would have been an involuntary manslaughter conviction in this case 90%+ of the time. This was a case of jury nullification, just like the OJ murder trial.
    #73     Dec 2, 2017
  4. LacesOut


    Conflating these 2 situations as a failure of Justice is so typical of a libtard with a Bachelors in French history.
    #74     Dec 2, 2017
    traderob likes this.
  5. fhl


    #75     Dec 3, 2017
    MoneyMatthew and AAAintheBeltway like this.
  6. Picture a white guy with a MAGA hat on shooting and killing an undocumented Mexican girl/woman on the pier in San Francisco.

    You think he is looking at life in the slam or the jury is going to say "oh, the gun had a hair trigger and he just suddenly found that little old gun right there by the bench where he was sitting."

    #76     Dec 3, 2017
  7. Tom B

    Tom B

    Liberals everywhere are bummed out tonight.

    Federal Grand Jury Indicts Steinle Killer

    Posted By Alex Pfeiffer On 9:53 PM 12/05/2017 In | No Comments


    A federal grand jury on Tuesday indicted the illegal immigrant killer of Kate Steinle on gun charges.

    Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate admitted to the killing of Steinle in 2015, but said that the gun he found under a San Francisco bench went off accidentally. Last week, a jury found Garcia-Zarate guilty of felony possession, but not murder or involuntary manslaughter.

    Garcia-Zarate, 54, will now face federal charges for being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition, as well as for being an illegally present alien in possession of a firearm and ammunition.

    Garcia-Zarate is a seven-time convicted felon and had been deported from the U.S. five times. The Mexican national was released from a San Francisco jail prior to the killing of Steinle, which led to a national outrage over sanctuary cities.

    “The Kate Steinle killer came back and back over the weakly protected Obama border, always committing crimes and being violent, and yet this info was not used in court,” Trump tweeted Friday. “His exoneration is a complete travesty of justice. BUILD THE WALL!”

    Article printed fromThe Daily Caller:

    URL to article:
    #77     Dec 5, 2017
    MoneyMatthew and CaptainObvious like this.
  8. I agree. If only we had a president who had been elected on a promise to build such a wall and if only he had made it his number one priority. Instead, we get Paul Ryan's corporate tax cut bill.
    #78     Dec 6, 2017
    MoneyMatthew likes this.
  9. Trump tweeted "Build The Wall" shortly after the Kate Steinle verdict as if there is someone above him in power right now to make that happen. Trump is the damn President, Build The Fucking Wall Already!

    If there is no wall then there is NO RE-ELECTION FOR TRUMP!
    #79     Dec 6, 2017
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  10. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    You voted for the biggest liar to ever run for the presidency now you're surprised he lied to you :)
    #80     Dec 6, 2017