ES TRADERS You should be very careful if you are trying to get long now that we breached the price zone at the 882 to 880 level. GOOD LUCK NUTSNEAL
ES TRADERS Could get a pretty good bounce to the upside off of the 867 ZONE, if we are able to ge there. I use zone in this case indication about a 2 to 3 point above and 2 to 3 point below that level. Often as price approaches an area of POTENTIAL DIRECTION CHANGE we get into areas where traders don't want to miss the boat and start getting in earily. So sometimes price does not reach the expected level. That is the same with going through the expected price level to the TIPPING POINT which will often just be stop running. Also the range from the low on 12/05 to the high on 12/08 is 102.5 ES points 50% equals 51.25 points. The high on 12/08 918.75 - 51.25 = 867.5 NUTSNEAL
While you guys were talking about it I got short at 884.25 at 14:54:03:89 and covered at 878.00 at 15:01:18:67. A nice 6.25pts gain... I was thinking of holding it to the close, but I piked out...
Keep in mind, the last 30 minutes can really screw up the best laid plans. LOL, so be careful. The next tipping point to the down side would be around 864. If we breach that tipping point, I don't see much to hang on to until a run at the 850 (AREA). But I could be wrong. I OFTEN AM!!!! But, when I am, I just try to not get hurt. The Mr. Market BEAT BEAT BEAT the ego out of me a long time ago. Good Luck NUTSNEAL
fearless9 I wasn't trying to poke you with a stick or anything. I don't do that kind of thing. Check my posting style. I was truly interested in your comments. I read many post on ET eventhough I don't often post. Too busy trading. I remember one of your posts a few weeks back about the BUS something that made me laugh so hard I thought I would cry. Anyway, certianly don't mean to offend anyone. Just occasionally try to have a little fun. Saw some price action today I thought I would share my observations about because I was having some problems with the platform on one of my systems. So, I wasn't as wrapped up as normal. Good Luck to all NUTSNEAL