Intraday trading

Discussion in 'Trading' started by trader1974, Dec 3, 2021.

  1. trader1974


    A zero sum game?
  2. wrbtrader


    Only for most.
    longandshort and Zodiac4u like this.
  3. mute9003


    The entire tradig practice implies manipulation and deception to swing trades to your advantage when you are playing against other people with the same goal of making money.

    Once you realize that deceprion in general is a natural animal trait even more. Its a natural trait of predators (which humans are)
    You will understand that market manipulation and deception is part of the game

    Problem is understanding the level of deception happening in the market
    Thats where retail trader falls behind because we are always at an informational technological and financial disadvantage compared to institutional traders.
    trader1974 likes this.
  4. SunTrader


    Retail traders fall behind because they are too concerned about things out of their control like .... possible manipulation/deception.
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  5. easymon1


    What does Intraday vs Non-Intraday have to do with this?

    Definition of zero-sum game
    : a situation in which one person or group can win something only by causing another person or group to lose it.
  6. easymon1


    Hey mute9003, this ones just for you baby!
    Lyrics included for your edumacation.
    Keep Your Eyes On Your Fries.
    Be still and knowwwwww.......
    Everybody Knows. Tell it LC!
  7. mute9003


    Control or not
    You still need to understand what is happening
    Alot of pro traders have no concept of how their own process works and start to give advice to people who have no concept how the market works
    so we get these:
    let winners run
    Cut your losses
    Dont pay attention to anything
    Keep it simple
    Blah blah
    The blind leading blind

    Except there is ine major difference
    When a new trader looks at chart there is nothing in the background
    When a pro trader looks at chart he sees everything that is relevant to the price action
    Like the conditions of entire marker
    The reaction to news
    Or potential reaction to type of news
    The patterns
    Level 2 data and how it affects or might affect price
    Rumors and how they affect the price
    Financial documents or lack of
    There is much more going on in pro trader's head than a new trader's head...
    Problem is that alot of pro traders are not aware of the actual process because it runs in the background
    And you basically cant explain it to new traders
  8. deaddog


    Which one of these are you having trouble with?
    murray t turtle and Zodiac4u like this.
  9. mute9003


    All of them are concepts that require alot of background understanding to implement
    its like breathing. the concept is easy. The execution more complicated than that
  10. SunTrader


    Yeah I've always had trouble executing that breathing thing.
    #10     Dec 3, 2021
    murray t turtle and trader1974 like this.