Iran restarts centrifuges using USA JCOPA withdrawal as justification

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. Cuddles


  2. Bugenhagen


    Useless on trade deals NAFTA replacement not nearly sorted, farmers eating their shotguns all over.

    Helped NK get more help from his friends in Russia and China.

    War crimes/against humanity charges coming the USA's way again for Yemen. Military suicides at a high point.

    China is not suffering domestically, doing nicely thank you on domestic sales & developing other countries and regions to make any US messing about in the future far less of a pain.

    And risked everyone just to spite Obama on Iran, gained nothing and will continue to fail.

    Tony Stark likes this.
  3. Maybe we should just send them a note saying we are sorry and another 150 billion as Obama did.
  4. Bugenhagen


    Returned their seized money.

    And when people start to die (more I should say), remember that it is only because Trump wanted to piss on Obama because of his vengeance obsession. He may as well murder them with his own hands.

    Trump is a failure, anything that seems good from him he did for the wrong reasons. There may be a word for that in German, he did it ulteriorly maybe in English. We need a real word for it.
  5. Which never should have been done. It became seized and forfeited money once you take Americans as hostages.

    I mean, unless you are an American president negotiating for Iran as was the case with Obama.
  6. Bugenhagen


    What makes Americans so valuable to a president, any president besides maybe Jimmy Carter, he gives a crap? Your life has a price to it and its not very much I assure you.
  7. Looks like I hit a nerve when I exposed Ayatollah Obama's caving in to Iran.

    Sorry bout that.
  8. Nine_Ender


    What a stupid concept. That would open up to dozens of nations being able to seize American assets because some of their citizens were imprisoned or killed by the US. That little brain of yours can't comprehend why you can't act in this manner and expect peace and profitable business on the world stage.
  9. Nine_Ender


    He's ignorant and a sad example of how poor education standards are in some areas of the US.
    #10     Sep 30, 2019
    Bugenhagen likes this.