Iran restarts centrifuges using USA JCOPA withdrawal as justification

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. Bugenhagen


    If he had even a notion of the history of the middle East since just the 1930s...

    Ignorance is bliss.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
    #11     Sep 30, 2019
  2. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    #12     Sep 30, 2019
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  3. Bugenhagen


    #13     Sep 30, 2019
  4. vanzandt


    #14     Sep 30, 2019
  5. Cuddles


    #15     Sep 30, 2019
  6. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark


    At the one-year mark, it’s clear that the nuclear agreement between Iran and the major powers has substantially restricted Tehran’s ability to produce the fissile material necessary to build a bomb. That’s a net positive—for the United States and the broader region.

    One year after its conclusion, the JCPOA remains controversial in Tehran and Washington (as I describe in more detail here), with opponents unreconciled to the deal and determined to derail it. But opponents have had to scale back their criticism, in large part because the JCPOA, at least so far, has delivered on its principal goal—blocking Iran’s path to nuclear weapons for an extended period of time. Moreover, Iran’s positive compliance record has not given opponents much ammunition. The IAEA found Iran in compliance in its two quarterly reports issued in 2016.
    #16     Sep 30, 2019
  7. So, that is your justification for the 150 billion dollar payout.

    Pretty lame crabwalk sideways.

    Why don't you just stick with the simpler, more common explanation that the dems use which is that we owe anyone who wears a towel on their head because of the Crusades. Just use the time-tested one so that you don't break a nail googling around.
    #17     Sep 30, 2019
  8. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Trump administration: Iran complying with nuclear deal
    By Jeremy Diamond, CNN
    Updated 2:20 AM ET, Tue July 18, 2017

    (CNN)The United States said Monday that Iran is continuing to comply with the terms of the nuclear deal that curbed Iran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.

    Iran is complying with nuclear deal restrictions: IAEA report
    Francois Murphy, Robin Emmott
    4 Min Read

    VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran has remained within the main restrictions on its nuclear activities imposed by a 2015 deal with major powers, a confidential report by the U.N. atomic watchdog indicated on Thursday.
    #18     Sep 30, 2019
    Bugenhagen likes this.
  9. vanzandt


    Power Tie.

    #19     Sep 30, 2019
  10. Bugenhagen


    But but a republican gave them tons and tons of refined nuclear material and started their reactor program but but but. Or is that a too simple view of events?

    You need to go back to your old business selling fly fishing and flint knapping stuff, this water is too deep for you as it requires a basic dept of knowledge of the region and events.

    There was no $150 billion. That figure came from some estimates relating to sanction relief value to Iran etc. Many trumpers even think someone got 150 billion onto airplanes coz they are dumb fucks.

    At least read this.

    And this might help you .

    "The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

    Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence."
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
    #20     Sep 30, 2019