Is active trading a viable job for an individual?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by BYoung, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. ironchef


    And Charlie Munger is 94.:finger:
    #201     Apr 18, 2018
    JSOP likes this.
  2. eesnz


    ridiculous question so likely you got a ridiculous answers. trading IS a job on Wall St. so many people have the job 'trading' and they are individuals. What you really want to know I think is - Is it viable to trade from home, with limited capital, no analysis, based on your own 'skill' and the answer is NO, probably not, unless you are a polymath or have a friend that works on the street who can give you good tips. No, not happening, don't waste your time, if you want to trade for a living get a job as a trader at a big hedge fund or bank.
    #202     Apr 18, 2018
    Muffhands likes this.
  3. newwurldmn


    He never left. But he has toned down and become a constructive member of the forum.
    #203     Apr 19, 2018
  4. jinxu


    I totally agree. The more time you spend with loser the more of a loser you become. Too bad 95% of population are losers. Hehe.
    #204     Apr 22, 2018
    Zodiac4u and lawrence-lugar like this.
  5. Zodiac4u


    I wonder if more sociopaths traded the markets if that win% would go up? After all our brains are hardwired to protect us from harm like affecting our perception when we are trading real money.
    #205     Apr 22, 2018
  6. JSOP


    Sociopaths does NOT equal to good traders.
    #206     Apr 24, 2018
  7. JSOP


    I would say 20-30% depending on how depressed one feels when calculating that percentage. LOL
    #207     Apr 24, 2018
  8. CSEtrader


    Hello BYoung,
    certainly, you can! But as already suggested, keep your job and start slowly. And invest in education, practice - the age is nothing, the devotion and discipline are everything. And you can do any money at any time, it will depend on your skills.
    Limit your losses, once you will be successful on your sim, just make a plan how much you can lose a day, week, month, and never move from that. So the profit will come.
    Our story is long and suffered but we still determined to win our legal battles and re-start to make profits.
    You have to be determined, you will have your ups and downs before you will be constantly profitable, are you feel ready? So surround your self with like-minded people, avoid those who will say that trading is always losing, and keep going! All the best!
    #208     Apr 25, 2018
    comagnum likes this.
  9. Carlll


    I agree you don't need to be a genius to trade. I know from the example of my acquaintances who has never been that clever, but now trade well enough and make money.
    #209     Apr 26, 2018
    comagnum and Zodiac4u like this.
  10. Ahh so you know a guy who knows a guy who trades and makes money. Totally believable.
    #210     Apr 27, 2018