Islam doesn't belong in a civilized country

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Ditch, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. I've been curious for the origin of Islam, and below is the top one of my google results.

    #31     Mar 31, 2017
  2. Maverick1



    The Koran quote you pasted actually work against your argument... The second and third quotes are also from hadith and not the book itself.

    Christ saved the adulterous woman from stoning, asking her enemies to cast the first stone if they had no sin.

    Does the Koran teach likewise?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
    #32     Mar 31, 2017
  3. Sig


    YOU..ARE...MISSING...THE...POINT!!! Like I said, I'm not expert in the Koran, I am one on the Bible, unwilling as it was. We can play whatever silly game you're trying to play all day long, I do know enough about Islam and most other major religions to know that you can find a verse that can be easily interpreted to say something along the lines of "turn the other cheek" and "don't be a hypocrite" in the holy books of all of them, advice that is roundly ignored by the adherents of all those religions including christians. Just to make this crystal clear for you:
    1. Do you or do you not agree that the christian bible has horrifically barbaric guidance, as does the koran?
    2. Do you or do you not agree that it's only fair to judge a human on that human's actual beliefs and practices, not the barbaric things that are written in their holy book or practiced by the most extreme members of their religion? Note, you could shorthand this to do you believe in stereotyping or treating humans as individuals?
    3. Just out of curiosity, since you sound like an apologist for the religion, how do you possibly explain the verse I listed as being anything other than appallingly barbaric? If you agree that it is, then fair enough. I can tell you that it was one of many that convinced me that if these were the values of this god then I'd rather fight against him than for him, he's certainly not on the side of good in my book!
    #33     Mar 31, 2017
  4. Maverick1


    "Actually my statement of fact is that the Christian bible is just as appalling as the Koran."

    This was your claim and in response to it, I simply pointed to Christ who commands us to love our enemies and who forgives the adulterous woman instead of stoning her, thereby teaching us to do likewise. This is in sharp contrast to the Koran which teaches that it is acceptable for someone to avenge themselves if they have been wronged and to stone adulterers among other sinners, among other commandments.
    #34     Mar 31, 2017
  5. Sig


    Very revealing that you completely ignored my questions, while I've replied to all of yours. Inconvenient for you? So let's be fair, I'll address your attempt to divert attention and you'll address my clearly iterated and for you, even numbered, points. I can certainly cherry pick equivalent bible verses, let's start with Exodus 21 "And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe." followed by the even more appalling for the fact that it's inadvertently so "If a man strikes the eye of his male or female slave, and destroys it, he shall let him go free on account of his eye." No problem with having slaves apparently, you just have to let one go if you destroy their eye! You can't make this shit up, absolutely barbaric!

    The Koran has it's "old testament" and the words of the prophet (Hadith) which is roughly equivalent to the new testament, so like I said, you can play the silly game where you pick out a happy happy glad glad new testament verse and contrast it with a koranic equivalent to the old testament that is the barbaric opposite, and I, or probably much better someone who was indoctrinated in the koran and isn't just googling this can do exactly the same thing. That does absolutely nothing to change my fundamental questions, which I'll repeat just so you'll look even more obtuse when you ignore them again:
    1. Do you or do you not agree that the christian bible has horrifically barbaric guidance, as does the koran?
    2. Do you or do you not agree that it's only fair to judge a human on that human's actual beliefs and practices, not the barbaric things that are written in their holy book or practiced by the most extreme members of their religion? Note, you could shorthand this to do you believe in stereotyping or treating humans as individuals?
    3. Just out of curiosity, since you sound like an apologist for the religion, how do you possibly explain the verse I listed as being anything other than appallingly barbaric?
    #35     Mar 31, 2017
  6. Maverick1


    The Bible teaches that the New Covenant is a better/superior covenant than/to the old covenant. Therefore Christ is the final Guide for all His followers, not Moses. There is no such parallel teaching in the Koran, whereby a distinction between teachings/covenants is made in the book itself.

    The hadith have as much in common with the New Testament as night and day do:
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
    #36     Mar 31, 2017
    rock34748 likes this.
  7. Here is my guess. I would venture to say that probably people can see just two sides of the same thing very differently. Especially when the key concept mentioned below is interpreted very differently by two different approaches from two religions/cultures.

    (The key concept Jesus drew in the sand before asking others the next question about one needs to self-examined/ reviewed one's own wrongdoings in daily life.)

    The main issue is: What is that key concept?

    The next issue is what are the two approaches, and why they are so much different (that would cause so many long-lasting problems even until the present time)?

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
    #37     Mar 31, 2017
  8. Sig


    This willful ignoring of my questions reveals far more than your words my friend. I find that common among people like you, somehow you just never get that concept.
    When you're willing to address my well formed, clearly articulated questions we can have an adult conversation. At this point you're behaving equivalent to a child holding his hands over his years yelling "I'm not listening" when someone says something they'd rather not hear, so I'll have to treat you like one would treat such a child. I was once almost just like you, so there's hope that eventually you'll turn on the rational side of your brain and overcome the brainwashing. Good luck seeing the light!
    #38     Mar 31, 2017
  9. Maverick1


    Good luck to you, my friend :)
    #39     Mar 31, 2017
    lawrence-lugar likes this.
  10. My hypothesis for the only word that Jesus wrote on dirt was probably this one below.

    I would say it is equivalent to " Appropriation of caring-oneself and caring-others . A balancing act between self-serving and self-giving, depending on situations. "

    Just 20 cents! LOL

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
    #40     Mar 31, 2017