Larry Williams arrested in Sydney for tax evasion

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by tomhaden, May 22, 2006.

  1. I never really understood the Williams % but I declare myself a big fan of the Williams A/D which I twisted a little bit and turned into a powerful indicator.

    I was a one trick pony making decent money scalping the NYSE and recently turned into a Swing Trader which is enjoying a hot streak thanks to my twisted Williams A/D.

    That doesn't mean that my wonder indicator will last forever, as Victor Niederhoffer says the law of the ever changing cycles will touch my precious indicator, but I will enjoy thr ride while it lasts.

    I'm not a believer but God Bless you Larry.
    #111     May 28, 2006
  2. Not open to public. I closed it as to not have to deal with individuals like yourself.

    One of the requirements for entry is a solid grasp of the English language. :D
    #112     May 28, 2006
  3. You are wrong on all assumptions as usual.

    Hey, anytime you want to put your money where your mouth is I will trade with you head up for a month. I'll make it easy on you with a $2500 account. Put up $50,000 on each side plus the account and the one with the most profit at the end of the month wins . . . winner take all.

    This thread isn't about me anyway . . . stay on subject. No matter how hard that is for you.
    #113     May 28, 2006
  4. After i originally posted the posting about Proflogic's website i got a PM from somebody at ET who said that he had deposited a complaint at the CFTC about Proflogic's website.
    The CFTC never responded to him he said, but suddenly the website was closed. Coincidence?

    They should not have closed that site. Anybody who would believe that the trades that were posted were real, deserved to be ripped off.

    The reaction from Proflogic was that he didn't trade 24 hours a day and he only took the best trades. But how can you make a merely 37% if your website announces a return that is at least 100 times bigger? Was the rest of the return made by the bad trades? How can bad trades make the difference between the (at least) 3000% return and the 37% that was published (and of which we are even not sure that they are real)? Normally the GOOD trades make the biggest part of the return and the other trades mostly are responsible for the decline in return.

    That must be Proflogic's logic. I'm probably too stupid to understand that.

    As asked i will stay on topic.

    And about your bet: i don't make bets with idiots. If i want to prove i'm good i wil l prove it to the whole world in a way it can be audited correctly, and nobody will have to make a bet with me.
    Just show us monthly statements of 2006. I hope they are better than the 37% you posted earlier, because even if that would be your weekly return it wouldn't impress me.
    #114     May 28, 2006
  5. I would never say you are stupid because I don't know how much oxygen you were deprived of as a child. I would say you are naive and ignorant as to what I do and that shows in your constant condemnation of how I trade.

    "What one doesn't understand . . . they ridicule out of embarrassment and ignorance." Thomas Edison

    You are a old woman gossip monger aren't you.

    I posted on my site beginning in January that the website would be closed to all but subscribers as of the end of May. It was posted on the site for the last 5 months. The CFTC nor anyone else "forced" me to close my site. I just prefer to trade , unlike you, I know how.

    As far as not accepting the challenge . . . it speaks volumes. You don't trade and can't trade. I don't exist to impress you. You are a knat, now fly back into the flame where you were born.
    #115     May 28, 2006
  6. First you criticize someone's spelling (lol you might check the sentence above just for fun) then you suggest that we should believe that insects are born in flames. I hope your trading method is better than your debating style and more valid than your metaphor.
    #116     May 28, 2006
  7. Sorry, I should have used the English to Australian metaphor thesaurus so you would have understood the irony.
    As far as my trading method . . . no one cares but me and that is the only person that matters.
    #117     May 28, 2006
  8. gnome


    3 year limit on audits.... UNLESS fraud is *suspected*.... then, there is no time limit.
    #118     May 28, 2006

  9. you are being a little less than truthful about the statements on your website, mr. bill.

    181 winners and 6 breakevens out of 187 trades??? this is absurd and designed only to fleece the uneducated/naive.

    this is the only issue i have with you, stated over and over again, while you continue with personal attacks and inane challenges the above remains on the web forever. i have no personal issues with you, infact, i find you somewhat entertaining--but these supposed results must be challenged.

    #119     May 28, 2006
  10. shut up and keep an open mind surf...proflog says to do so and u ought to obey.
    #120     May 28, 2006