Level 2 Datafeed

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by sappjason, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Does anyone know of a decent Level 2 data feed for individual automated traders? I've tried DTN's IQFeed for Level 2 (as I use them for Level I quotes), but it's not a complete Level 2 Data feed. I haven't looked extensively into IB's Level 2 data, because I know they are very limited in regards to the total number of Level 2 symbols that you can be watching at any one time. However, I use IB for my current Automated Strats, so if that's my only (fairly cheap option), then so be it. Any other ideas?


  2. Occam


    What do you mean by "complete Level 2"? Level 2 refers specifically to Nasdaq top-of-book, per-MM quotes. Maybe what you really want is a full book feed such as TotalView:


    I think that quite a few brokers/platforms do serve TotalView and/or similar feeds on a per-symbol basis.

  3. Hey Occam,
    You are correct in that I want a full-book feed. IB provides Nasdaq TotalView, but only for a very small amount of symbols (3 plus a little more for me as I spend a ton in commissions with IB).
    I guess I'll go ahead and start out with IB and then if I need something more, I'll look into <fill in blank here>.....
    I was just hoping that there was another alternative (south of $200 per month), because I LOATH depending on IB for any of their data as I've had so many damned problems with their data in the past (hence why I now use DTN's IQFeed).

  4. Bob111


    MB trading's is the best of all i've seen. they use to allow you to subscribe for L2 for 100 symbols. not sure about now..there is a group on yahoo for SDK developers-mbsdk. ask them about it
  5. Hi,

    Genesis offers full book data for maybe 100-200 stocks over a high-speed internet connection and you can ramp it up to 1500 stocks if you host a data server with them.

    I can attest it works fine and handles full book but their API needs a little more arm-wrestling then IB to get it to behave :)
  6. Thanks for all of the comments here, but I'm still not seeing a separate data provider (apart from a broker) that supplies this type of data. Any other thoughts out there?