Linda Raschke

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by apdxyk, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. apdxyk


    with Jason Shapiro:

    Picaso, Laissez Faire, qlai and 2 others like this.
  2. %%
    She likes musical patterns also.
    Banker dad showed how to sharpen a metal edge on a good knife for mom;
    same principal, any good knife dulls:caution::caution:.
    Metal markets can be different, but still a market.
  3. Great interview with two legendary Market Wizards. Thanks for sharing.

    If I ever were to subscribe to some kind of service I would have considered what Jason is offering. Just subscribed to his free newsletter.
    murray t turtle, apdxyk and Picaso like this.
  4. I have had the book Trading Sardines in my library for a few years now (still waiting to be read). I asked about it back then on this forum, and didn't get much positive reviews so it still sits in my digital library collecting bit-dust.