Looking for a portfolio tracking app

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by pietruzzo, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. Hello everyone,

    as my portafolio of Stocks + CFDs + Crypo is spread across multiple brokers and financial institutions, I need a sort of a portafolio tracking app, where I can simply add each symbol, the position entry price, and from then it'd keep track of my investment against the current prices.

    I am not really looking for anything fancy and I am happy enough to add my portafolio manually, as long as it lets me add the entry position for each stock/symbol. I have googled for hours but I was unable to find anything that meet my needs.

    I apologise if this is the wrong section, but I wasn't sure where else to put it.

  2. Hey thanks for the suggestion. They don't seem to have a native Android app though. I mean worse come to worse I am happy to use a html5 platform.
  3. algoseek

    algoseek Sponsor

    Yahoo Finance's got an android app to manage your portfolio.
  4. Does the Yahoo Finance android app allow you to mange your portafolio by adding your open positions? I don't see it that future in the Yahoo Finance app I have. Would you mind posting a screenshot or explain how to do it?

  5. Never mind, I bloody found it. Thanks again :)