looking for an inexpensive data/chart feed

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by carlp, Apr 4, 2002.

  1. carlp


    Thanks everyone for the replies.

    I'm surprised no one mentioned Scottrade Streamer, which is free. All you have to do is sign up at their website. Live streaming quotes and a live chart.

    Only problem is the periodic outages, and log-on difficulty at times.
    #11     Apr 5, 2002
  2. Carp - The login issues with Scottrade - You will not have them if you use QuoteTracker to access Scottrade's streaming quotes (it caches the login in case of failure)

    As for periodic outages, well, thats Scottrade for you.

    Their streamer is very limited (max 10 symbols at a time for free one, 20 for clients)

    #12     Apr 5, 2002
  3. hi,

    before switching to TS6, i used nextrend exclusively. its cheap-- free for delay, 14.95 for real time, accurate, and easy to use.

    #13     Apr 5, 2002
  4. vinigar


    I highly recommed Medveds QuoteTracker:)
    #14     Apr 6, 2002
  5. AHMMB


    #15     Apr 6, 2002
  6. CarlP

    Try ProphetFinance.com. They have streaming realtime charts as well as daily, weekly, and monthly charts. The cost is 19.95/mo. They're OK if you can put up with occaisional outages - although they have gotten much better recently.
    #16     Apr 6, 2002
  7. carlp


    Just checked out the Nextrend site.

    Lots of good info there.

    Thanks all for responding, my decision is now complete.
    #17     Apr 6, 2002
  8. Trader pro offers good charting software and more and its free if you have an account with Benjamin Capital and trade at least 20 trades a month. Not only do you get charts you get everything such as direct access to the ecns and live quotes. Try it on for size at myoffices.com there is a free download there. You get level 2 with it as well.

    See for yourself.
    #18     Apr 6, 2002
  9. stevet


    has anyone here had a chance to compare real tick to cqg in real time trading situations?
    #19     Apr 6, 2002
  10. You owe it to yourself to try their free trial. This is much more than real-time charts though they are great and easy to use.

    The initial Trade Prospector license is $399 and includes the use of both the end of day and realtime software, access to the TP infobase, trading bulletins, upgrades/enhancements, and support for the first year. After that, renewal of the software, access to the infobase, trading bulletins, etc. is $250/year.

    You will also need a basic subscriprion to quote.com for 9.95 per month.

    A GREAT value for about $31 per month (after first year)!
    #20     Apr 20, 2002