Meme of the Day!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by misterkel, Feb 6, 2023.

  1. elderado


    #981     Feb 13, 2024
  2. elderado


    #982     Feb 13, 2024
  3. gwb-trading


    Happy Valentine's Day

    #983     Feb 14, 2024
  4. Atlantic


    #984     Feb 14, 2024
  5. BB unprinted Headlines.
    (reminder for libs - it's satire)

    Helpful Husband Places Giant Heart On Six Foot Skeleton Still In Yard From Halloween @drconservativeprof
    My Memory Is Fine, And Please Stop Calling Me Mr. President @gfanson
    Man Prays Wife's Fever Breaks Before It's Time To Make Dinner @dontslowtheearth
    Vengeful Wife Gets Haircut Husband Is Sure To Notice This Time @Kirgol
    Migrant Suffers Broken Middle Fingers After Trying That In A Small Town @Disidente_Redactico
    Trump Preps For Debate With Biden By Arguing With Bowl Of Jello @showquest
    SAD: After 50 Years, Beloved Oakland Crack House Closes Its Doors Due To Crime @afnarr
    Inconsiderate Onlooker Misses 30% Of Disaster By Filming Vertically @pure_teej
    Groundhog Doesn't See Shadow Because He Was Looking At His Phone The Whole Time @neohillbilly
    Confirmed: 100% Of Gender Studies Majors Confused About Gender @nicalys
    Dog Awkwardly Looks Away While Owner Poops On San Fran Sidewalk @buzzyboy
    Biden Asks If Campaign Platform Has Steps @bbarton713
    And there are always a few that I love that didn't make it to the top, like the following:
    Ben Shapiro Rebrands As 'Li'l Shap' @babylonandonanon
    'Just A Flesh Wound,' Declares Nikki Haley, ''Tis But A Scratch' @timberlakeshore
    Congress Working On The "Sunny With Blue Skies And Everyone Gets A Puppy Act" @trooper777
    Wife Introduces Anti-Shopping Bill That Caps Amazon Purchases At 5,000 Per Day @baberahamlincoln
    Humans Of Every Color Surrender Colonized Lands, Return To Mesopotamia @terr922
    'Hallelujah! You Can Have It!' Says Harried Mom Of 8 When Trashy Family Van Gets Carjacked In DC @elmer2flp
    Trump Surges In Polls After Being Deemed Fit To Stand Trial @Shadrach
    Man Sitting By Taylor Swift Just Wants To Eat Nachos Without Being Judged By 200 Million People @dontslowtheearth
    #985     Feb 14, 2024
  6. 43896862-226f-4822-9db8-80efa74daf1d_840x473.jpg
    #986     Feb 14, 2024
  7. gwb-trading


    #987     Feb 14, 2024
    Ricter and Atlantic like this.
  8. Ricter


    An effective meme, like this one, should have a kernel of truth, a test many found in this thread have failed.
    #988     Feb 14, 2024
  9. Cuddles


    #989     Feb 14, 2024
  10. gwb-trading


    #990     Feb 14, 2024