Most Influential stop pumpers on Twitter and elsewhere?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by jackpearson, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. More and more lately, small stocks are flying straight up by amazing percentages at seemingly random times when there is no market news on them or their sector. QUESTION: Who are the most influential stock pumpers on Twitter or Elsewhere that are successful at pushing stocks around? I am guessing someone/somewhere is the cause of these spikes but don’t know who or what to look for? Thank you.
  2. schizo


  3. Me

    ps, lots of crypto garbage, totally useless and fraudulent, pamping again,

    doesnt take much to move the price of worthless shit around these days, consider the population trading it.

    china scam 2500 to 200 in days
    china scam 200 to 11 in days

    you think some 'influencer' is needed.


    comagnum likes this.
  4. otctrade


    There is nothing you can do as they frontload the stocks. You could try to befriend them and get into the inner circle.
  5. otctrade


    lol yea the market needs a big crash to wipe these turds out. Still too many left.
  6. This pump and dump scheme well loose its value over time, because most of them following MEME stocks are other hyped stocks will loose anyway. So the total speculative capital in there will reduce and thus also reduce the volatility. This pumping will take place until so many have lost substantial capital that it will diminish itself, because it is not sustainable and reasonable at all to pump those stocks causing crazy moves, which cannot be fundamentally justified in any way. So over time this crazy pumping must and will disappear and die rather soon than late because the majority cannot win here. That is something to consider.

    Second, for me it is mainly money flows going out of crypto space into stocks seeking speculative returns, because the nature of crypto is also pump and dump. If you see chart of most cryptos they also look like mountains with no steady uptrend. So in conclusion it would be good to know to measure those money outflows in cryptos anyway, because I guess there is a correlation to those MEME stocks etc.. It also means when there is a boom or hype in cryptos again then those pumped stocks occurences will reduce massively as money from them is put in into cryptos again. So look also for this correlation here.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
  7. zghorner


    Nobert likes this.
  8. The combined might of the organized small retail traders :)
    David wins against Goliath :)
  9. Sprout


    If they are it would be found via tag, else TG & Discord pump channels. Maybe check the wallstbets subreddit. Most of the pump channels are heavily botted, premium gives "alpha" access.

    Some are legit, most are scams targeting street money.
  10. Sprout


    OTC pennies have been around forever.

    Crypto natives, unless already in tradfi, have no interest in stonks - it's a cultural divide.
    #10     Aug 11, 2022