My Withdraw Is Rejected (IBKR)

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by Helix404, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. Helix404


    Does that mean my IBKR account name has to perfectly match my bank account name?
  2. Helix404


    So, will I be able to withdraw if I change my IBKR account name to be the same as my bank account name?
  3. Snuskpelle


    Not an expert but that is pretty much anti-money laundering 101 on their end, so yes.
  4. Not just anti-money laundering, but anti-theft security.

    As a general rule... to do a routine transfer/withdrawal... it can only be done to your identified account... bank routing number, account number, and your name. Anything other requires "additional handling".... like a letter with a signature guarantee.

    Or if sending you a check... only in your registered name and to your registered address. Anything other again requires additional handling.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
  5. This message is simply telling you that:
    -Your request for account to be send money to, the name differes than the Name shown as in your IB account.
    -If there is any amendmemt in your name, you should contact your bank and make an amendment to your name or your bank should mention that your current name is the same person name that shows in your IB acccount, which i don't think you bank will accept.

    In summery, people like you creat unnesserry Headache for IB team.
    levanyashin and Scataphagos like this.
  6. There are rules and procedures... to protect all parties.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
  7. virtusa


    Check if you can what you send to them when you opened the account.
    You should see normally what is wrong/different with the information send for the withdrawal.
    No rocket science.
    You should be happy, as they proof that they are careful with your money.
  8. BMK


    Dude, why doesn't the name on your bank account match the name on your brokerage account??

    You movin' money around for Al Qaida? Or that bunch in Michigan that was planning to kidnap Gov. Whitmer?

    Or is it the Antifa folks?

    Just kidding.

    If your middle initial is missing they should let that go. But any other differences are going to raise a red flag.

    dealmaker likes this.
  9. virtusa


    If you have to show your picture, they will refuse you too I think... :D
  10. RedDuke


    Remove your original screen shot post or ask moderators to do it. It has your IB account number
    #10     Oct 19, 2020
    Aged Learner, Nobert and virtusa like this.