Try trading on news events on the NYSE. News comes out, the specialists halt the trading, adjust the price and then open it again, effectively cutting the little guy out of the trade.
Hey max, it's just another plug for the NYSE and the corrupt specialists. Don't worry over it. THis idiot wants to talk about ignorance, he just needs to reread his own post. What a fool to be such an idealist. He obviously has never traded before and have had to deal with massive slippage among other things.
I have traded news events, and the halt actually PROTECTS the small investor. Since the average investor is not steadily watching the market, and some who watch actively have slow quotes or news (not everyone has Bloomberg). If you were a small investor, or in some cases an active trader who didn't get the news yet, you wouldn't think it was very fair if your lingering buy or sell order was taken at what, given breaking news, is obviously a crazy price and easy profit for the institutional traders and MMs.
You're hilarious. You make stupid remarks, reflecting how dumb you are, and then you call me an idiot. I've been trading for several years buddy (which is probably longer than you), and the slippage is worse on average on Nazdaq. The spreads are bigger, and the volatility is greater. So even if you see one particular bid or ask, it can move a large amount in the blink of an eye. So give it a rest, unless you want to explain to me some more how the NYSE is a gov't entity.