Near death experiences

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by aquarian1, Oct 7, 2023.

    #31     Apr 2, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. %%
    Amazing .
    I had a big boundary oak that got hit by lightening;
    amazing, it just knocked about 4 inches of bark\ long strip. Usually the trees explode because the sap boils in an instant:caution::caution:
    #32     Apr 2, 2024
    aquarian1 and vanzandt like this.
  3. %%
    CBN News has a good news story, dated 4-1-2024;
    Former Witch Babtizes 200 At...... Clearwater Beach.
    That news is not propaganda like so much of it is:caution::caution:
    #33     Apr 2, 2024
    aquarian1 likes this.
  4. vanzandt


    It depends on how wet the tree is. If the bark is pretty soaked, the current will flow down the tree's outer bark, and you'll lose a strip as you pointed out. It's when the tree is relatively dry, like at the start of a storm, the current heads for the inner bark where the sap is and.. boom.
    You had a wet tree. Maybe yellow ribboned. Tony and Dawn
    %Not a prediction, not USDA/FFA insured. :caution::caution:
    #34     Apr 2, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  5. %%
    Amazing answer, + shocking :D:D
    Amazed that tree did not die. It also had no USDA insurance.
    I got some tract timber estimates once;
    + asked if one of them minded cutting a treeto near my home[ free];
    the gentleman cranked up his chainsaw\ i saw that pro take that tree down with no damage to my home or himself.=free .
    #35     Apr 2, 2024
    vanzandt likes this.
  6. vanzandt


    If it was a White Oak.... he sold the wood to the company in TN that makes the barrels for Jack. Who owns them now? Fortune Brands, or Brown-Foreman?
    Either way... you might have got took. :p
    %% not a recommendation
    Diago is better.
    #36     Apr 2, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  7. vanzandt


    The Barrel
    Share This Page
    The Jack Daniel Distillery prides itself on quality whiskey, and one of the main factors in its production involves the white oak barrels used in the aging process.(A

    Taking to heart the old saying “if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself,” the Brown-Forman Corporation has been producing all of its own barrels since 1945. This occurs at one of the largest barrel plants in the country known as the Brown-Forman Cooperage in Louisville, Kentucky. Here, approximately 250 employees ensure every barrel is made a specific way and to Jack Daniel’s high quality standard.

    This standard of production begins with the wood itself (and lots of it!). At any given time, approximately 17 tons of white oak sit in the wood yard of the Cooperage waiting to be used. It is here that the moisture content in the wood is monitored until it reaches 25%, a process taking about six months…

    Additional information about the Barrel is provided in Volume I of the Jack Daniel’s Bottle Collector’s Guide.
    #37     Apr 2, 2024
  8. vanzandt


    They pay extra if it was struck by lightening. Can't be near the house though. One nail driven in that tree 70 years ago will shut down the whole operation when the $40,000 saw blade looses all its teeth hitting that nail. I think they figured that out now though... it's called a magnetometer. Lots of false alarms these days however. But... Using an MRI to scan the logs has been proven too expensive though. Just up the price by $2 bottle and eat the saw blades.

    %%%$BALL makes bottles... 52 week high the other day. Not sure who makes saw blades. Call Grainger. Another 52 week high.
    #38     Apr 2, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. %%
    THEY buy white oak, easy to spot the log trucks selling to them; shorter sawtimber sections, white oak.
    SAW a black bear have a near death experience [videoLOL]on a telephone pole, lightening strike, knocked the bear off + it ran off, on concrete [ouch] LOL.
    New Mexico Game Warden said ''bears are tough '':caution::caution: Shocking .
    #39     Apr 4, 2024
  10. Josh has a near death, experiences hell and then Heaven.
    His key message is to "get serious". If you're not 100% sure where you are going when you die now is the time.

    Here is the closing prayer:

    "Just put your hand on your heart put your hand on your heart and I want you to pray in your own way in your own words and I want you to just ask god to forgive you ask him to forgive you ask him to come into your heart
    ask him to save you and change you do a new work in your heart and in your life just pray your own way pray your own way
    pray your own words god can hear you now father I pray for these precious ones here and I pray their life will never be the same again you guys repeat after me say Jesus I come to you now I give you my life I give you my heart save me change me teach me to live the way you want me to live fill me with your holy spirit may your power rest in me from this day on,
    in Jesus name.

    Father I pray for those who pray this prayer god let their life never be the same again lord I pray that you do something new in their life lead them to believers they can help them grow lead them to people that can show them the way lord as they read the bible give them understanding of the bible fill them with the power of your holy spirit god we pray their life will be transformed
    and that everybody under the sound of our voice when that day comes they enter into eternity to be with you god let that be let that be in the name of Jesus we decree and declare new life in your life we thank you we give you praise.

    in Jesus name we pray amen
    #40     Apr 5, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.