Near death experiences

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by aquarian1, Oct 7, 2023.

  1. thanks Murray!
    #41     Apr 6, 2024
    #42     May 16, 2024
    #43     May 22, 2024
  4. From "I dies for 18 Minutes"

    Narcissism is not actually a disorder it's a demonic Spirit that's over these people.

    No it's a demonic Spirit it gets you thinking that you're like God or you're like God's best gift or you're right everybody else
    is wrong this a this is a demon.
    This is a spirit that that gets you blinded.

    He's the king he's God and he's a king of kings.
    He's not a king that you can come and rub elbows with.

    Whenever you get close to Christ um you're going to have demonic spirits come after you.
    They don't mess with you as long as you're not serving Christ.
    As long as you're denying Jesus or something in your actions or even with your mouth, they don't mess with you.
    But whenever you get close to Jesus man because you become a threat to the kingdom of darkness.
    You're not a threat to the kingdom of darkness if you're with them.
    What people don't understand Christians are under under spiritual attack.
    It's a real thing.

    The lord gave me a business to be able to tell people about Jesus.
    Not just a testimony but tell them that He's real.
    You just seek relationship with him.

    Iit's not about religion it's just about a relationship.
    And read his biography the Bible

    The Lord didn't just save us on the cross he he saves you every day.
    There's many times where you could have gotten killed and he he saves you.
    Don't even take credit for it.
    Son't aay I we got lucky.
    You didn't get lucky there's no such a thing as luck

    I was under demonic attack so heavily that I didn't know what was going on.
    I didn't have anybody to come lay hands on me to pray on me or pray for me.
    I'm just like bearing this all on my own.
    #44     Jun 9, 2024