NewYork Real Estate - Two 111-storey offices for Manhattan

Discussion in 'Economics' started by The Kin, May 20, 2005.

  1. [​IMG]

    World Trump Center

    Trump offers plan to rebuild twin towers
    May 19, 2005 - 6:43AM

    New York property tycoon Donald Trump unveiled his design Wednesday for "bigger, stronger and better" twin towers to replace the World Trade Centre originals destroyed on September 11, 2001.

    Denouncing the existing plans for rebuilding Ground Zero as the "worst pile of crap architecture I've ever seen," Trump argued that erecting two new, even taller twin towers was the only valid response to the terrorists.

    The consummate self-promoter, known as "The Donald," showed off his proposal just weeks after the official master design was put on hold because of security concerns surrounding the centrepiece 1,776 foot Freedom Tower.

    Describing the Freedom Tower as an "empty skeleton," Trump said its construction would be a capitulation.

    "If we rebuild the World Trade Centre in the form of a skeleton ... the terrorists win. It's that bad," he told reporters gathered in the lobby of his Fifth Avenue Trump Towers headquarters in Manhattan.

    The design put forward by Trump and his structural engineer Kenneth Gardner, essentially offers a modified version of the original twin towers, erected in the early 1970s.

    AdvertisementThe replacements would be at least 1,475-feet (449.6 m) tall, more than 100 feet (30.1 m) higher than their previous incarnations. The new North Tower would also boast a 383-foot (116.7 m) communications mast.

    "It's bigger, it's stronger and it's better than the previous World Trade Centre, and it sets the right tone and the right attitude," Trump said, adding that some members of the public who had seen the model had been moved to tears.

    Charles Wolf, whose wife was killed in the North Tower, was more circumspect in his appraisal of the model.

    "It spooked me when I first saw it ... the idea of the towers rising again," Wolf said.

    "I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but it's an interesting idea," he added.

    The Trump-backed towers -- he promised not to attach his name to the buildings -- would employ a tube-within-a-tube design with improved fireproofing and larger stairwells.

    Gardner said the structures would be able to withstand the kind of attacks that brought down the original towers on September 11, 2001 killing 2,479 people.

    Ground Zero master planner Daniel Libeskind, branded an "egghead" by Trump over the design of the Freedom Tower, fired off a letter to the property tycoon this week, pointing out that he was not responsible for the building's problems.

    The Polish-born architect stressed that the footprint and twisting shape of the tower were the work of David Childs, who was hired by Ground Zero developer Larry Silverstein to modify Libeskind's vision.

    "I am sure that all of us, whatever the shape of our head or its decorative accessory agree that security is the paramount concern for the new tower," Libeskind wrote in a thinly-veiled dig at Trump's distinctive hairstyle.

    In a report published in April, the New York Police Department voiced concerns that the planned location of the Freedom Tower was too close to Manhattan's Westside Highway.

    A subsequent meeting between New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Governor George Pataki and police officials concluded that a new design was required.

    "They should throw it all away," was Trump's assessment of the design rethink.

    "This is what people want," he said of his own proposal. "It's a better memorial. It's a greater building. This is what the World Trade Centre was."

    The Freedom Tower was originally scheduled to be topped out at the end of 2008 or the beginning of 2009.

    The design of the tower, and indeed that of the entire Ground Zero redevelopment project, has been the source of bitter dispute -- between the architects involved and also the often competing interests of the victims' families, the developers and the politicians.

    The tensions have arisen from the different priorities attached to the project, with some seeing a site of remembrance, others a future place of work and still more a symbol of rebirth.

  2. ig0r


  3. The Freedom tower plan is a 70 story office building with just a skeleton and framework above that level.

    Trump knows what people want.
  4. Chagi


    Just a thought - would anyone actually want to go work in the new tower(s) once finished, which would likely be the single biggest target in the event of any future terror attacks?
  5. sammybea


    and this is different from the "freedom" tower? I think that argument has some basis maybe a few months after the incident due to the fear of a repeat of 9/11. However the reality is that this freedom tower is no safer.. if not even more dangerous as the concerns of the NYPD were brought up.
  6. Chagi


    I wasn't saying that Trump's design is more/less safe than the "freedom tower" design, I was just saying that regardless of what office design they rebuild it into, how many people here would actually want to go work there?
  7. sammybea


    Oh, I misunderstood. Yeah thats a valid question. I guess in the end its business and companies will set up there if the price is even slightly below other rents in downtown. But something tells me that demand will be high, but just a hunch.

    Specifically will people WANT to work there? I just don't think people will quit their jobs out of protest or anything. People in nyc tend to be more realists and know that security will be tight enough that the odds of them being harmed will be low. However, if you took a poll on with people from states like kansas voting, who knows what the results will be.
  8. I think you guys are missing the big picture. Forget about if anyone will work on the top floors. Forget about what the design looks like. Forget about the people that cried because they were so moved when they say the model of the towers.

    None of that really means anything.

    Trump will not build these towers unless he can put his name across them in neon lights 100 feet tall. So big they can be seen from three states away.

    Since he has already said he will not put his name on the buildings that can only mean one thing. He has no intention of building them. This is all a publicity stunt to get his name in front of the world. Again. Plus he probably wants to drum up more attention for the next apprentice.
  9. Sam123

    Sam123 Guest

    The Freedom Tower is a compromised wounded animal designed by a committee. Interesting art, but not the American vernacular. Trump's idea of rebuilding the towers represents efficient design and use of top real estate. He's right: it's the perfect memorial. It's also a perfect in-your-face response to the enemy cultures of Jihad.

    Few people are afraid of occupying tall buildings because they know the odds of this happening again are exponentially slim, thanks to the awareness of our enemy and the security measures in place.
  10. bdon


    I would. You can't sit around and worry about what if, or your already beaten.
    #10     May 20, 2005