non traders

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by themickey, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. Overnight



    I don't know if this is still true today, but if you stuck a robots.txt file in a folder on your site, Google would not add that to it's metacrawl search results. If that still works, could it be put in a folder specific to the community lounge?

    Good idea and question for the Feedback section.
    #21     Oct 11, 2021
    themickey likes this.
  2. Bugenhagen


    I think it's already done, last time I searched for something in politics Google could not find the search text.

    To be quite honest, I have taken half year breaks a couple of times and such but I find politics useful to get annoyances out and not talk politics with my mom's family or my daughter's mom's family :)

    And if I do get into it, I usually hit them with a sledgehammer of well thought out words. They are quite intimidated, my kids mom's family anyway. They think I just come out with deep cutting angles, no idea how much prep haha.
    #22     Oct 11, 2021