Not all Oregonians feeling the love for the Portland area dem psychos.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, May 19, 2021.

  1. #11     Sep 24, 2021
  2. Best year evah to get shot and killed in Portland. Summer of Love.

    Wayyy to go shiite-for-brain tards.

    Keep em coming. That's the America you wanted and you are getting it. It will only get worse as you continue to destroy the country. Why don't you just go ahead and bring half of El Savador and Hait up and dump em in the City. That'll help you to destroy the country even faster. Oh, I see. You are already doing that.

    Portland police chief notes ‘grim milestone’:

    Portland has had more than 1,000 documented shootings in 2021, Chief Chuck Lovell said Saturday on social media.

    The number of shootings has exploded in Portland over the past two years, flipping a decades-long trend of declining violence in the city.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
    #12     Oct 17, 2021
  3. Orgeonians should form somewhat of a militia and fight back against the far left, they would easily win.
    #13     Oct 17, 2021
  4. Amateurs. You can do better Portland, get with it. A somewhat dated count from Chicago.

    Published July 1, 2021
    Halfway through the year, more people have been shot and more people have been killed in Chicago than this time last year, when violence reached levels not seen since the mid-1990s.

    Chicago has seen at least 336 homicides for the first six months of the year, just two more than at this point in 2020 but 33 percent more than 2019’s 252 homicides, according to an analysis by the Sun-Times.

    The city has recorded at least 1,892 shootings through June 28, the most recently available statistics, an increase of almost 12 percent compared to 2020’s 1,692 and a 53 percent increase over 2019’s 1,234 shootings during the same time.

    Last year was one of the deadliest in the city in decades, with 775 killed, a sharp spike from the 500 homicides in 2019.
    #14     Oct 17, 2021
  5. The following is a hypothetical interview with the Portland, OR mayor:

    Beautiful Stranger(BS) - Are you concerned about the increase of shootings in the Portland, OR metro area?

    Portland, OR Mayor (POM) - This is a very poorly worded, racist question that assumes facts that have not be established. For example, even using the word “Shooting” is inappropriate unless its context is considered. Further, the misuse of that word is tantamount to gaslighting and political repression. As such, for the purposes of Portland area “Public discharge of a firearm with projectile hitting person”(PDFPHP) statistics, certain acts involving discharging of a firearm shall not be considered as “Shooting”. For example, any PDFPHP that has the potential to impugn the reputation of a Democrat politician shall be considered “Firearm used contrary to der Kommissar’s established directives”(FUCKED) and is prima fascia evidence the firearm was used for subversive political purposes and counted as PDFPHP, not as a shooting for Federal statistic reporting purposes.

    BS - How do you currently feel about gun control?

    POM - Now that we have taken a considerable number of law enforcement off the street, better. However, much work remains in confiscating firearms from law abiding citizens.

    BS - I noticed you did not include “Criminals” in your goal to confiscate firearms.

    POM - Obviously, anyone using firearms in the politically subversive manner mentioned before is a criminal who would be subject to losing their firearm.

    BS - How about those who commit arson, looting, discharging of firearms, and vandalism while rioting?

    POM - Again, context is key. Are they rioting for Civil Rights, against evil corporations, or Donald Trump? Or are they being subversive?

    BS - Thank you for an enlightening interview.

    POM - Anytime.
    #15     Oct 17, 2021
  6. #16     Nov 5, 2021
  7. elderado


    Okay, yes, it sounds gross, etc., but...once you donate your body, it's over. Messy as it sounds, even scientists need money. Look at Fraudci. You don't think he isn't getting rich off this mess, do you?

    Sad story but oh well.
    #17     Nov 5, 2021
    smallfil likes this.
  8. So, Portland police shot and killed a carjacker who had also shot an innocent woman in the process.

    This happened Monday and the police officer has been indentified and named. The carjacker name or person has not- nor described. Anyone want to guess what the skin color of the attacker will be?

    Now, you may be thinking, geezusss, stop the presses, Portland actually taking action and shooting an attempted killer. Things are looking up. Usually they give the shooter a medal and send him on is way. But this looks like they actually engaged the enemy and shot the motherchucker. How did that happen?

    Well, it is actually fairly simple, The City of Portland announced yesterday or so that they would only be responding to Level 1 and Level 2 crimes whatever those are but guess and you will be right. And they told the citizens to NOT expect immediate or any type of even remotely timely response to any other crimes- if ever. Yeh. That frees up some police. Wayyy to go.

    Business owners need to put up cardboard cut-outs of Kyle Rittenhouse out on the sidewalk and see how the lefties like that. Let the motherchuckers moan all they want.

    The number one goddamn job of government is to secure the safety of its citizens. NUMBER FRIGGING ONE. Not to help decide which bathroom to use or how to rename some fucking bridge built in 1898. If a government cannot secure the safety of citizens within your jurisdiction and willfully refuse to do so or it takes actions that can reasonably be expected to make things worse then citizens have a right to organize themselves as needed to protect home and family and innocents.

    Have a nice day.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2021
    #18     Dec 8, 2021
    FortuneTeller likes this.
  9. Nice post.

    Notice how not one Lefty can post a rebuttal against your post. They are full of fear.
    #19     Dec 9, 2021
    smallfil likes this.
  10. gwb-trading


    #20     Aug 19, 2022