Now that's a President!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by kmiklas, Oct 13, 2021.

  1. kmiklas


    CAN'T WAIT 'till he's back in office in 2025. Look at the poise meeting Xi.



    Compare this to Sleepy Joe. Ugh... how embarrassing!


    Please don't introduce him to any other important people. Bring Carter.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
  2. Cuddles



    Xi literally fighting Biden from forcing him to cup his balls:

    longandshort and kmiklas like this.
  3. Bugenhagen


    Now that's an ET poster who never had a good male role model.
  4. kmiklas


    Really, how could you vote for this confused geriatric patient?

    He should be heating the water at Knights of Columbus spaghetti dinners.
    vanzandt likes this.
  5. elderado


    If the Knights of Columbus would allow the abortionist to be there, which they wouldn't.
    kmiklas likes this.
  6. userque


    By considering the alternative.
    Ricter likes this.
  7. Bugenhagen


    Who's interview was this in 2016?

    "When he was a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?

    ‘Such an interesting question,’ he said. ‘So what’s your next question?’”"
  8. newwurldmn


    Exactly. How could you vote for Trump?
    longandshort likes this.
  9. vanzandt


    Did you come up with that line?!
    I like that. :D
    That gets a Zandy Award for extreme creativity and origininality in zingers.
    kmiklas likes this.
  10. Buy1Sell2


    Trump has advanced the pro-American ideals that we believe in and are good for the country.
    Let's hope that he or DeSantis win the presidency in 2024.
    #10     Oct 14, 2021
    elderado and kmiklas like this.