Off-Topic Temporary Thread

Discussion in 'Journals' started by mschey, May 17, 2004.

  1. dbphoenix


    I want to expose people to new trading techniques and technologies which of course will lead people to want to trade with us since our software is the only one out there that calculates and plots probability bands on charts.

    If he's going to hawk "techniques and technologies" which can be used only with the software that's available only by trading with his group, I'd like to know the definition of "promotion". The presence or absence of URLs would seem to be superfluous.
    #11     May 17, 2004
  2. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    Somehow, someway (doh) I missed that in his post above, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. That being the case Chris and ProTradingSystems will not be permitted to start or populate another thread as that would be unmistakable promotion of his commercial service. To those who are interested you will need to make direct contact with his website (a simple Google will find it) and take it from there as it will be impossible for Chris to discuss it here without violating ET's no-free-advertising rule.
    #12     May 17, 2004
  3. Chris, it may be irritating but it's Baron's site. And it is frequented by many real traders and plenty of wannabees.

    Go ahead and pay for sponsership for a few months and see if your hit count/subs goes up enough to make it worth it. You could do worse than advertising on ET.

    Just a thot.
    #13     May 17, 2004
  4. dbphoenix


    One has to wonder why these promoters who are making so much money with their products can't afford to pay to advertise . . .
    #14     May 17, 2004