Question about Steve Woods 2400% return

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Tradin4profit, Sep 17, 2001.

  1. Yes, I absolutely concur.

    But Babak has shown an eagerness to substitute facts for illusion if he doesn't hear what he wants to when he contacts such people. It's almost as though he feels he's "entitled" to answers, and this is why I said what I did.
    #21     Sep 19, 2001
  2. Vector


    I contacted Steve Woods to let him know that there was ongoing chat about him here this message board and he said he would come here to answer any of the questions we have posed so far. Since he is going to come here to address our questions we have about his trading methodology, his percent return, etc we all might as well post any other questions we might have about his trading methodology to see what he has to say.
    #22     Sep 20, 2001
  3. I would like to reply to Babak and his question about what is the difference between my indicators and Donchian channel lines. I'm actually not very familiar with Donchian channel lines as I've never used them but I understand the main difference is that with Donchian lines the time factor is arbitrarily set at a number to the users liking. In Float Analysis the lines are determined by the size of the float turnover under consideration. Float Analysis provides a specific time frame in which there is an approximate change in ownership of the stock. Float turnovers act as a proxy for a change in ownership. They help you get a better handle on where a stock is in its "life cycle". They expand the definition of classic terms like accumulation and distribution and support and resistance. Best regards. Steve Woods:)
    #23     Sep 20, 2001
  4. dozu888


    This may sound a little negative.

    Anything that is made to the public is crap and will NOT work. There are already threads on this board yelling "I have tried everything and nothing works". I have statistical proof that all the indicators in a textbook are only marginally profitable on paper, will only break even after commission and slippage, and will kill your account after human error.

    Find your own stuff, and keep it a secret. That's the only advice I can offer.
    #24     Sep 20, 2001
    murray t turtle likes this.
  5. How much was your initial investment, where you returned "2400%"?

    Can you furnish a professional audit of your trading account to those interested?

    Auduits are the only way to truly confirm actual returns.


    #25     Sep 20, 2001
  6. demi


    mr steve woods, perhaps you can post some of your stock picks from the past few weeks and explain couple of them using your method for us to understand it.
    #26     Sep 20, 2001
  7. one bit that this guy has not responded to our simple questions?

    Heck no!

    His silience speaks volumes, if you ask me.

    #27     Sep 20, 2001
  8. dozu888


    hehehehehe, Sam, you only gave the guy 1hr+ to answer :D :D
    #28     Sep 20, 2001
  9. Vector


    I contacted Steve Woods again to let him know that there were more questions on this message board and he said he would get to them. He said that he may not get to it tonight because of other things he's doing, but he said he would respond to the questions. I myself would like to see his answers to some of the questions being posed here on the board.
    #29     Sep 20, 2001
  10. oneway


    <i>"In the sixteen months from<b> September 1998 to January 2000</b>, I took a small account of a few thousand dollars and grew it tenfold." - Steve Woods
    Has anyone checked with Mr Woods on how he did from 2000 to present?
    He might have done better publishing books and selling newsletters...
    #30     Sep 21, 2001