Reality for an Individual Trader

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by drader77, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. The book is not about day trading.
    #181     Mar 13, 2017
  2. Xela


    This - exactly so.

    (Nadex is owned by a bucketshop and pays people to mention/promote them in trading forums.)
    #182     Mar 13, 2017
  3. carl0215


    The reality for an individual trader is there are hacks lurking on trading sites..beware. Hacks that create multiple aliases to hammer home that trading is impossible. Then come back as a big fat white knight to save the day with a trading system that's not a trading system that's TA but it's not TA. But TA is statistics so statistics are TA?
    #183     Mar 13, 2017
  4. bone


    If a retail trader can stay away from higher frequency trading strategies I personally believe there's no reason that he or she cannot be successful. Especially if that trader has sound position management rules.

    My belief is that electronic markets have enhanced retail opportunities for traders who choose to compete outside the high frequency domain.
    #184     Mar 13, 2017
  5. chartman


    There is one truism that you need to be aware of from the start of your trading. Don't expect some one to give you advice that will make you a successful trader. If they know anything worthwhile you can be assured you will be the very last person on earth they will share it with.
    #185     Mar 14, 2017
  6. It's not really fair to the OP to discourage him from taking any and all advice. True, he may not receive those closely guarded secrets that have been handed down from father to son throughout the ages. But as a beginner he may benefit from basic advice he may receive here, in books or elsewhere. Hopefully, even regarding basic advice, he and others like the OP will be able to recognize sound advice from that given by those talking through their hats.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
    #186     Mar 14, 2017
    bone, RifffRafff and Xela like this.
  7. Xela


    I'm glad nobody told me that, when I started (just in case I'd believed it: it would have made my learning-process impossible) ... and it would take away a lot of the value of forums, if it were true.
    #187     Mar 14, 2017
    murray t turtle and bone like this.
  8. Buy1Sell2


    #188     Mar 14, 2017
    murray t turtle and bone like this.
  9. chartman


    #189     Mar 14, 2017
  10. bone


    Well, based upon on a quick overview of your own posts your admonition holds water - not much at all about trading. Strangely enough you know quite a bit about credit card policy.
    #190     Mar 14, 2017