just rich, who the hell wants to be hasselled every time they go outside??? being affraid of leaving your house because of the unexpected of whats outside. Does that remind anyone of a dissorder?
OK.. .so now you have become the new Max? Or maybe you are Max, since he inaugurated my ignore list. The "Bwahahahaha" that you and Max use seems quite similar. Now getting on my case for no reason at all seems very Max-Like as well. As does twisting what I said into nothing resembling my words. You want to put words in my mouth? I can't stop you. Have fun. But I did not say any of the things you say I did. Charmed the likes of Cher? No, just happened to meet her on the chair lift. Life in a small town is just like that. In 1973, everyone in Aspen pretty much knew everyone else...and certainly at least met them. Believe whatever you want. Played lead guitar with the Allman Bros.? Where did THAT come from? I played bass (hardly compares to playing lead) on ONE SONG ("Season of the Witch") ONE TIME with them because I was friends with Greg Alman, and could do it, as just about any guitar player could. People do have friends. You may not know that, but it's true. Ask around. Golf buddy with Glenn Frye? Nope, never made that claim. I said I, played in a foursome with him ONCE! I never met him before or since. Hardly the definition of a "buddy". You want to take Max's place telling me what I have and haven't done? Fine with me. Like Max, you can go all the way and even accuse me of lying about being the father of my son. "Close friend to famous actresses"? Again, you put words in my mouth. You pluralize when it is ONE SINGLE actress. She is the only one person. And yeah, we have been friends most likely since before you were born. Or had your first beer (whichever event came first). This friend who is a well known actress was a secretary at a fire extinguisher company when I met her. Very impressive. It was a very glamorous, exciting and fast paced celebrity type of position. She made right around minimum wage and played music at night for free as she struggled to become a professional musician. That never panned out for her, but her desire to get into acting did. She took acting lessons, worked hard, went to a billion auditions, and had the requisite amount of luck, as happens. And her first cousin (who is quite a bit older than she) is a well known actor, and that didn't hurt her opportunities. Some people work hard and achieve their goals. She did. Just like you have. She excels at her job. Just like you. So, FPC/Longshot/Max/whoever.....go have another beer, shoot up some steroids, and come back and type in all upper case and show us your usual drunken brilliance and wit. Do I really believe you and Max are one and the same? No, I really don't. I don't think Max is a drunk like you. And Max is certainly far more intelligent than you. But do I think you are a Max "Wannabe"? Yeah, your posts seem to indicate that is the case. Hey, everyone needs someone to look up to. In your case, it is Max401. Do I think you and Longshot are one and the same? Yes, I know you are the same idiot using another identity.