Rumor - Sam Bankman Fried arrested

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by DaveV, Dec 12, 2022.

  1. Pekelo



    "I have been saying for a while that so many of the people in positions of obscene authority we take for competent or intelligent are fucking morons.

    Not morons in the sense of their IQ, morons in the sense that their statistical isolation from all meaningful consequences and normal life and tribulation has left them severely lacking perspective.

    They all inhabit this gross parody of a meritocracy where they can wastes millions in other people's money and hollow out companies for short term gains and be treated like geniuses, because they have and MBA from Harvard. They had rich parents who could finance them a few million to start their business. They sucked their boss' son's cock in a satanic ritual in Yale and that means they get to join the Executive Caste and earn 500% their actual effective contribution. Yeah no wonder they saw Sam playing games and thought he was exceptional, because to them being exceptional has always meant not giving a shit about the social norms and expectations that bind the try-hards to middle management status.

    these people live in a fantasy land of self aggrandizing narratives, and guys like Fried, Holmes, and others can play them like fiddles by pressing the very specific buttons that make these oh-so intelligent masters of the meritocracy function. You use buzzwords, you engage FOMO by advertising yourself as the next monopoly, you rail against the stuffy old companies, vestiges of a time when the US actually had a social project and whose structures reflect that. Most importantly though,you invent new ways of being moral to assuage their ever gnawing guilt and imposter syndromes at their unearned wealth.

    It's no secret that Fried's "Altruistic Altruism" happened to be a philosophy that promised selfless work without sacrifice or change in lifestyle, because you don't need to give away your unearned wealth. You don't have to care about the plight of the common man. You're the elite class. You're building starships, you're leading humanity. No it doesn't matter that you've never actually built anything in your life and your wealth comes entirely from various schemes that gnaw at the foundations of American society, selling the excrement of its once robust institutions as an implication of a product: you and you alone can bear the torch of Humanity and lead the ignorant masses to the mars, all you need to do is boost some FTX."
    #11     Dec 12, 2022
    schizo likes this.
  2. maxinger


    It seems to be written by
    the foolish gullible FTX investors.

    Better don't read such news.
    #12     Dec 12, 2022
  3. Still nothing on the CNBC youtube page though. But no worries, I have a feeling when I come home from work tomorrow they'll plaster videos of this stuff...
    #13     Dec 12, 2022
  4. Overnight


    #14     Dec 12, 2022
  5. Sprout


    Scams on a Blockchain - Screenshot 2022-12-12 203322.jpg
    #15     Dec 12, 2022
    Nobert and guest_trader_1 like this.
  6. Nobert


    Don't you worry about prison pyjamas,
    Those are for the guy from bahamas.


    #16     Dec 13, 2022
    Sprout likes this.
  7. Q.E.D.


    Just a guess, but I assume Southern District NY didn't want to give SBF chance to gain more sympathy, & spread more lies, via testimony scheduled today before Congress. I doubt testimony will be carried-on with him being detained in prison in Bahamas.
    #18     Dec 13, 2022
  8. Pekelo


    Who the hell uses YT for news? Anyhow, they had the news on their website around 8 pm:

    #19     Dec 13, 2022
  9. zdreg


    It is a well received book and already outdated.
    #20     Dec 13, 2022