S&P about out of gas?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Manolo, Mar 7, 2004.

  1. Mecro


    Let me see that PM. 50k says it's a fake.


    You're hysterical. At least now you admit you had those aliases.

    In your last James Stock thread, you called the S&P top at 1130 then at 1150. You were supposedely selling 1150 naked calls in huge numbers. At least some of those would have been exercised and you would have blown out. Hence we all know you do not trade and are probably some teenager with serious insecurity issues.
    #181     Mar 17, 2004
  2. It's really pathetic that one is so insecure with themselves that they have to run around a FREE website with so many aliases, AND . . . in even more pathetic fashion, winds up talking to himself with one screen name after another . . .

    I'm afraid the Lithium isn't working James.
    Time to get a better physician.
    #182     Mar 17, 2004

  3. Here's your PM. keep your 50 cents.

    ok, i've proven you as a liar.again. You are also lying about being "blown out" on S&P calls. It's very easy to show us my thread and quote where I supposedly made a bad call, yet you don't. You are a liar.

    Show us the post, liar.
    #183     Mar 17, 2004
  4. How about this post from Monday, March 8th of 2004:

    "Mon amigo, no need to get snippy. It's hard to say that the S&P has run out of gas when it closed at a 52 week high on friday.
    But I do agree that we are in a range. But the facts are that the S&P is at a 52 week high, so it's hard to say it has run out of gas."

    And of course, 3 days later you are taking credit for having called the correction:

    "Furthermore, look deeper in this thread and I gave at least 5 solid reasons ( after the fact ), some technical and some fundamental, why the market was in for a big, big sell-off right now."

    And of course:

    "That's right. This website does not deserve my great calls. It's hard to believe this is a "trading" website. I gave out the greatest call ever here, this thread began on SUNDAY. Talk about timely info dissemination.

    I will NEVER give out my insight again on ET.
    It's a crying shame that this board is so lame."

    #184     Mar 17, 2004
  5. Manolo


    here are the quotes that I was responding to. you need to be one sad loser to try to manipulate the minds of ET people who can read for themselves , and decide for themselves what was said.


    Have you ever seen a more jealous loser than waggie?

    Not that I need to defend whats VERY OBVIOUS TO ANYONE WHO READS THIS THREAD, but the above out-of-context quote was in response to the above quotes from Samson. Last sunday, the S&P closed at a high of 1157, and Samson was telling me, as you can all read, that the S&P was already out of gas.

    I responded by saying that the S&P could not possibly be out of gas, as it just closed at a new high. Furthermore, even though the S&P closed at a new high, I didn't view it as a breakout, rather that it was just at the top of the range.

    Please read the first two pages of this thread to get the FULL FLAVOR of what was said, and you'll see how jealous waggie has taken my words out of context.

    The question is: how big of a loser do you have to be to take words that ARE ALREADY THERE FOR EVERYONE TO READ out of context?
    #185     Mar 17, 2004
  6. Manolo


    #186     Mar 17, 2004
  7. Manolo


    Careful all, waggle is going to try to tell you that I didn't start this thread, and that this isn't the first post of this thread.
    #187     Mar 17, 2004
  8. Seriously, Manolo.
    It really doesn't take much to "bruise" your little old EGO, now does it?

    At the drop of a hat, you run onto ET to check to see if anyone has "attacked" your infamous call which as you say, MADE YOU HUGE!!!


    Tell me, how many aliases are you up to now?
    Does it ever get confusing trying to keep track of who you are or who you pretend to be when you log onto ET?

    :D :D
    #188     Mar 17, 2004
  9. gms


    waggie, would you please let us know when the number of times you've used the word "aliases" in your posts equals the number of aliases there are on the forum? Thanks. I lost count. :D
    #189     Mar 17, 2004
  10. Mecro


    That was a PM to an old alias with a date of 1/1/04. Are you joking? LOL a few days later I was laughing at your posts since I actually found out what ur really about. Yeah I complimented you on a fake paper trade cause I actually gave you benefit of the doubt and thought you were for real.

    Oh and this is the thread in question:

    "Thats because you came off as a compelete retard. You don't really believe that these is unlimited reward and limited risk with writing options do you?


    James Stock wrote on 01-12-04 09:09 PM:
    you PM a question, I answer it. And now I start a thread on options and you call me a troll? whats up with that?


    Mecro wrote on 01-01-04 12:09 PM:
    Congrats on your trade.

    Do you trade options much? I'm messing around with them and slowly getting experience. But I wanted to find a good book to get me better acquainted. Have any recommendations?

    #190     Mar 17, 2004