Score Big In October 2021 - $16543 Profit - Account up 36 6% YTD

Discussion in 'Journals' started by winstonwee, Oct 29, 2021.

  1. October 2021 Update I Score and Win Big $16543
    The overall account is up 36.6% Year To Date
    Big Thanks to TSLA

    fan27 and caroy like this.
  2. Nobert


    Lol, thought at first that it's another thread from a sponsor.

  3. fan27


    Congrats! What was your max drawdown percent?
  4. that is my drawdown
  5. d08


    Looks like an actual drawdown, likely you're not selling anything.
  6. what do you mean actual drawdown
    i do have some drawdown over the year
    I am a long trader so when market drop so does my account
  7. d08


    I was being sincere. Lately when most people post results it's a scam...
  8. Overnight


    It seems legit whether it is holding the positions or buying and selling. Looks like by end of year, if it continues at that rate, he'll have ~40K profit for the year.
  9. deaddog


    Nice month. You say thanks to TSLA; how many positions are you holding?
  10. destriero


    Dude, stop spamming with this piker fantasy.
    #10     Oct 30, 2021