Sell my algorithm

Discussion in 'App Development' started by trader221, Sep 23, 2022.

  1. I have a trading algorithm coded in C# in the Quantconnect platform.
    an Prop firm wants to buy it from me but he wants to test it.
    But to test it I would have to give them the source code.
    I don't want to give away my source code of course.
    Do you have a solution to offer me?
  2. gkishot


    Don't they have backtested results in Quantconnect already?
    pstrusi and trader221 like this.
  3. Yes, there are backtesting and forward testing but he still wants to test it.
    He offered me a LOI but that has almost no legal value and that does not exclude the risk of seeing my source code plagiarized or stolen
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. maxinger


    how about you work for the prop firm as a contract worker for a month?
    work out how you will be funded,
    and how profit/loss will be shared between you and the firm.
    PoundTheRock and trader221 like this.
  5. Is it just a stock trading system?
    How good is your system? PnL% p.a.? MDD%?
    Is it worth much? More than $5k?
    murray t turtle and trader221 like this.
  6. How much did they offer?
    murray t turtle and trader221 like this.
  7. DaveV


    Why do they need the source code to test it? I would think that the executable code would be sufficient to perform a test.
    L943973, TheDawn, gkishot and 2 others like this.
  8. bln


    Maybe you can build a single binary from the C# code that outputs signals/orders and add some time limit code that will make it will stop working after a certain future date.

    That should be enough for them to be able to perform testing and evaluation of the system/strategy.
    trader221 and DaveV like this.
  9. Handle123


    If profitable, trade it, otherwise you most likely give it away.
    spy, Occam, murray t turtle and 5 others like this.
  10. Snuskpelle


    Just beware that C#/.NET assemblies are very easy to decompile by default... Run a good obfuscator on it.
    #10     Sep 23, 2022
    DaveV, ET180, gkishot and 2 others like this.