Senseless killing in las vegas. What lessons to draw?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by helpme_please, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. schweiz


    correct, and 200 times the number of death. so still 40 times more horror. most American killings are made by Americans, so they kill each other, not terrorists that invade a country like in France.

    Paris happened 1 time, in the US it is almost a daily event (33,000 in 365 days is average almost 100 death every day.
    i know that for you these are just "futile details", but outside of North and South America these numbers are considered as hallucinating.
    #31     Oct 5, 2017
  2. ElCubano


    No not futile at all. I wonder how many of those killings are gang related killing each other which in that case we could negate out of the equation. Sorry but true.
    #32     Oct 5, 2017
  3. NeoTrader


    Here in Brasil, in 2003, a Referendum was made in order to consult if the selling of weapons and ammunition was to be banned in the whole country. Despite the 63.94% voted NOT to forbid the selling of weapons, it was banned nonetheless(yes, why have a referendum in the first place then?)... Not only that, thousands of people who did own guns legally until that point, delivered their weapons VOLUNTARILY to the police to be destroyed... Since then, even shooting instructors can't get a license to carry a gun...9 Years later, in 2012, a historical record of deaths by firearms was registered. And these are the registered deaths, the real number is MUCH bigger, for sure.
    And the number of registered deaths by firearms is MUCH bigger than in the US.
    #33     Oct 5, 2017
  4. ElCubano


    comparing one country to another country (whether guns are band or not) needs to take culture, income, etc. into account. Not just do they or do they not ban guns. A perfect example is that during natural disasters here as opposed to lets say Japan, we looted the shit out of our stores while in Japan they didn't.
    #34     Oct 5, 2017
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  5. NeoTrader


    Are you saying that in low personal income countries like Brasil, government control over what weapons civilians might or not carry is or might be a good idea?
    #35     Oct 5, 2017
  6. ElCubano


    I have no idea. I can tell you that most of the killings you are referring to in the US happens in inner city drug violence that are not random or less then a random act. Banning guns would not drop those numbers one bit as they don't go through the regular channels you or I would to get arms.

    edit - sorry it was shweiz's post.
    #36     Oct 5, 2017
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  7. NeoTrader


    You should have...:) Even if you were answering to schweiz´s post, you still began to answer my question like this... And as an american, who, by your posts, knows that these regulations are worthless and do MUCH more harm and no good, it should be clear that the ideas of freedom apply regardless of the country or place in the world being discussed. The opposite is also true, if you look at the misery everywhere else in this world, it is almost always(if not always) related to government intervention and policies alledgedly done for "the good of the people".
    It is EXACTLY the same thing in Brazil.(The only way to drop those numbers is legalizing these drugs once and for all). The only difference here is that criminals know for sure that when they approach someone with their guns(and there are A LOT OF GUNS HERE), the chance of that person being armed and able to fight back is virtually ZERO...
    No problem.:D
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2017
    #37     Oct 5, 2017
  8. schweiz


    to loot them out 1 time in a decade you need 330,000 killings. sounds indeed very reasonable. LOL.

    if guns would be forbidden these marginals would have no guns to shoot each other.
    and in Vegas nobody would have been killed, even not the well educated and intelligent Americans that were there and that where innocent people. in the US there are all the time shootings in schools, but that seems to be accepted and is just part of normal life. in Europe you never hear about that.

    37 years of guns killed 20% more Americans then all the American wars together since 1775.

    #38     Oct 6, 2017
  9. A basic principle of constitutional law is that the government is required to use the least restrictive means possible if it is necessary to limit a constitutional right. Since the vast majority of gun homicides are committed by blacks, it does seem logical to me that we should be discussing barring blacks from owning guns. They have proven to be highly irresponsible, unlike law-abiding white people.

    No doubt some far left race hustlers will object, but if it saves even one innocent child's life, isn't it worth it?
    #39     Oct 6, 2017
  10. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    AAA woke up with his white hood on this mourning
    #40     Oct 6, 2017