Hello, I am new to the forum and inexperienced in trading markets. I would like to invest in automated trading and after reviewing Collective 2 site I found the site to be confusing with too many systems/markets traded and difficult to find a system. I also found a site called Strategy Exchange and was wondering if anyone has experience with them and which platform they run on. I'd appreciate any tips from actual users and any how credible this site performance is.
Funny. They offer free trials. Naive developers list their signals and someone with multiple email addresses can get them for free. Isn't that a stupid business model for developers?
I sent your question to a Covestor rep who sent this response: "We do offer free trials as a way of capturing leads, engaging with them and converting them to funded clients. The data we show the trials does not show trade date, trade price or trade quantity, so it would be very difficult if not impossible to construct a portfolio from the data we provide."
I've used programs with mins of $25k up to $250k and with fixed lot size if the developer really is brilliant should understand that in order to scale most subscribers either would have had to have doubled their money very quickly or started with multiple units in the beginning anyway... so I think I'm beating a lame duck as to whom to talk to... hey, how bout Savant beyond Prometheus? ONE... in... a .... billion?