So whats up with this sell off 9-20-2021

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Rickshaw Man, Sep 20, 2021.

  1. I work for an IB. Let me tell you this with absolutely certainty, Bill Hwang made a very big 'peep'.
    #91     Sep 21, 2021
  2. eurusdzn


    Are credit spreads expanding, blowing out.? ...probably changed a wee, teeny bit.
    Stocks lag these right?
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
    #92     Sep 21, 2021
  3. JSOP


    Not to the market, it didn't.
    #93     Sep 21, 2021
    ITM_Latino likes this.
  4. themickey


    Don't count on it, one never knows the depth of Western pension fund investment stupidity.
    Blackrock idiots were a case in point recently expousing the West should invest in China.
    #94     Sep 21, 2021
  5. SunTrader


    You must mean the market that sells fruits and vegetables.

    It is obvious to the rest of us who trade the markets of equities/futures/options/forex it most certainly did.

    $20 billion vaporized just like that.

    Don't be a politics obsessed clown your whole life.
    #95     Sep 21, 2021
  6. stepan7


    #96     Sep 21, 2021
    SPX Options Trader likes this.
  7. BKR88


    This move lower is the first daily lower low since the Mar 2020 bottom.

    #97     Sep 21, 2021
    xandman likes this.
  8. KCalhoun


    I call bs on today's choppy af up bounce, likely volatile chop again prefed wed, dcb then eod selloff after Powell. Should be interesting to trade the volatility
    #98     Sep 21, 2021
  9. SunTrader


    I see at least 3 others this year.

    For instance July 19th after July 8th.
    #99     Sep 21, 2021
    Nine_Ender likes this.
  10. JSOP


    According to this article, the biggest holder of the Evergrande bonds is Ashmore it seems with $400 million as of end of June and UBS has $300 million as of July. Both Blackrock and HSBC's exposure to the Evergrande s*** is 1% and 1.22% respectively of their portfolio holdings as of Sept. according to this article from Morningstar.
    And this I presume is after they increased their holdings of bond share in August, just before all the suppliers and contractors demand to get paid which triggered the liquidity crisis (I hope that is an unfortunate coincidence and not a coordinated move). How much that 1% and 1.22% of their respective portfolio holding mean? I don't know and I cannot find any information online that gives an exact dollar figure.

    What troubles me a little is this passage:

    "S&P Global Ratings expects the company to default this week and estimates it has close to $20bn in dollar-denominated bonds outstanding from two offshore subsidiaries."

    So those $20 billion dollar-denominated bonds, are those the total foreign debts outstanding or are there more? If they are dollar-denominated, I assume those would be the ones issued to foreigners? Do they include the foreign debts like the $400 million from Ashmore and the $300 million from UBS and also the % of portfolio holdings of Blackrock and HSBC? So far no article has stated clearly exactly out of the $300 billion debts, how much in dollar figure or in % are held by foreign entities. I mean I know they are not enough to trigger a 2008 financial crisis but I would still like to know how much was invested in that company.

    I hope Blackrock and all those western investment management companies who are still delusional about the reality of investing in China would finally wake up and realize the political and systematic risk from investing in these "emerging" markets and manage these undue risks accodingly, aka listen to warnings from people like Soros and stay away from these "emerging" markets!!
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
    #100     Sep 21, 2021
    ITM_Latino, Axon and themickey like this.