Some guns are banned now, others need to be.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by futurecurrents, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    And idiots like you seem to never understand that comparing the situation in the US now to Australia then is completely asinine - something you seem to embrace.

    Australia didn't have hundreds of millions of firearms on the street, over 5 million estimated illegal ones (5 times more than the buyback of the whole continent of Australia) and a gun industry that is $33 Billion a year (more than 3% of Australia's entire GDP).

    Dude, replace the 9-volt in your head. It's clearly dead.
    #81     Oct 12, 2015
  2. with all due respect

    i've proposed a plan

    make it illegal to make, sell, and import handguns

    that's my [attempt at a] solution?

    #82     Oct 13, 2015
  3. jem


    I am not gun nut. I had never shot a handgun until my 40s. I had gone skeet shooting with a roommate 2 times in the 90s. Other than that I shot a 22 rifle once when I was 16.

    Any person holding a gun out while committing a crime .. puts the lives at risk of everyone in the vicinity and law enforcement. No one has the right to end someone else's life in such circumtances or even risk someone's life... that is core human morality... you don't kill people or even risk their lives for non justifiable reasons.

    Another human being forfeits his rights to live when he threatens people with deadly force. That is how our law works... and that is how human morality should work and does work for everyone except those with diseased leftist brains.

    It may be compassionate to feel bad for the dead criminal... but you can also feel happy for all those who lives were protected and will be protected. When you do do the calculations and find that greater good was served... you have a proper moral compass.

    And yes while living in New York I had been mugged at knife point and felt that my life could have been ended had I been uncool or unlucky. I don't think its right I had to rely on luck in those circumstances. do you?

    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
    #83     Oct 13, 2015

  4. Yes Australia is/was not the same as the US. What is your point?
    #84     Oct 13, 2015
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    But that's not a solution. That doesn't solve anything. This is what I'm trying to tell you. Finding a solution to this problem isn't as simple as saying "Item A is offensive - ban item A".
    #85     Oct 14, 2015
  6. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    My point is that you continue to tout the choice Australia made as a solution for the US, yet you openly admit the two countries aren't the same and cannot be compared.

    #86     Oct 14, 2015
  7. Rather than "certain guns" being banned, I'd rather certain PEOPLE be banned.

    I'd rather see "swift justice". That is, if you commit violent crime... you will SOON BE EXECUTED... and polite society won't have to deal with your criminal ass any longer.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
    #87     Oct 14, 2015

  8. Let's try this again. Yes Aus is different. Why should that prevent us from doing what they did.
    Your argument lacks logic.
    #88     Oct 14, 2015
  9. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    My argument lacks logic?

    You admit that Australia's situation was different. We've discussed this. Australia did not have 4.5 million estimated illegal guns on the street. Australia collected approximately 1/4th that in their buyback program. The United States has hundreds of millions of guns on the street (legal and illegal). The United States also has a powerful lobby like the NRA, and a Constitutional Amendment.

    And you claim we can do the same thing as Australia did, with the same effort and see the same results.

    And it's me who lacks logic.
    #89     Oct 14, 2015

  10. Oh so it's hard so we shouldn't try. Are you always so defeatist? I thought the US was a great, capable nation. Maybe you don't think so.
    #90     Oct 14, 2015