Somebody tried to rip off my IB account and wire money to New Zealand

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by Trajan, Nov 11, 2003.

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  1. sprstpd


    I believe $100K
    #21     Nov 11, 2003
  2. I believe there are programs that will detect and remove spyware. Does anyone know of any particularly good ones? Also, is ZoneAlarm Pro generally sufficient to prevent new attacks? You guys have made me paranoid!
    #22     Nov 11, 2003
  3. def

    def Sponsor

    I've been pre-occupied with a couple of different events and haven't been posting much this past week. However, I do want to quickly address this post.

    1. While the CS rep may have sounded nonchalant. There are procedures in place where any claim of fraud are escalated to senior levels. Such events - while EXTREMELY rare - are not taken lightly.

    2. Security: correct. Funds will only be wired that match the account holders name. To change account information - including e-mail, password and banking instructions, you need to log onto account management which is encrypted, request a token that gets sent to your e-mail address and use that token to gain access. You can also set a dedicated IP address that your TWS will connect to (i.e. so no one else can run your TWS). while some people complain about the daily e-mails of statements but this is also another security measure which should light a red flag if you stop getting them.

    3. Further security: we do have card keys which generate random pin numbers in order to gain access to account management. They are being rolled out now. Smaller accounts may have a deposit or a charge for the key debited from their account. I believe we will be the first firm offering such security.

    4. Even with the above measures in place, if someone steals your identity or compromises your computer, you are at risk - not only at your broker but your online bank, merchant etc. I am certain that such events as Trajan mentions are extremely rare. I'll personally mention this item to the head of compliance but Trajan, I'd be more concerned that every password and communication (credit card, banking, etc) that you have had on your PC has been compromised by a hacker or trojan horse.
    #23     Nov 11, 2003
    #24     Nov 11, 2003
  5. Mishka


    if you insist
    it's happened to me and nothing more to say as was mentioned in that discussion .
    we also went to FBI with no results .
    I would never know for sure how security breach happened, most likely trojan of some kind, which we actually found a few late on, because we had had at the time no security at all and passwords might guess......everywhere the same .

    first IB representative I spoke with was sounds like didn't fertilizer....about my problems. Then contacted by Def on this board my matter was handled satisfactory.

    One of the reason I stopped updating on the situation at the time because I was contacted in private message on THIS board by thief who identified himself with my IB information.

    one different, which he probably learned, my account was active all the time before attempted robbery and I knew the problem 20 minutes after .

    I still trading with IB


    #25     Nov 11, 2003
  6. gaj



    first, i use norton now. i find it better than the free one (sysomething?) which i used, but unfortunately...

    when we recovered from the blackout (ny state), i accidentally said 'yes, let him in' to a hacker trying to get in via an open account on my pc. about 15 seconds later, my computer was trying to ping to hundreds of machines all over the world.

    needless to say, i stopped trading. called IB immediately, they were NOT nonchalant about it. i told him my account may have bene hacked - could they put a stop on my account for 24 hours? - and he said that if they put a stop, it would be for 1 week (because of hacking) - however, because of the blackout, they wouldn't be able to do monet withdrawals that day anyhow. i decided to chance things, and was fine.

    the firewall in XP does NOT help you.

    > go to - that will help stop some things.
    > go get a good firewall. set it up to notify you - you'll find out that there are a lot of 0wn3d machines on cable modem / dsl lines that are now spam servers. why? because of those stupid email viruses that people downloaded, and outlook or some crappy MS product automatically opened (and therefore, ran, infecting the user's machine).
    > if you don't need them, immediately block off all IPs from 200.*, 202.*, 211.*...those are brazil, china, korea. some admins in those countries are inept (because of gov't intervention preventing the admins from acting) or corrupt, and american spammers have bought off people there to get free spamming / hacking.

    that's a start.

    what was said before about the keystroke logging program - yes, they exist, and yes, someone can log ANYTHING you do.
    #26     Nov 11, 2003
  7. Bob111


    let's start from this-

    as been mentioned before-lavasoft is good,zonealarm is good,but will slowdown you browsing speed a bit.
    make sure your windows have all security patches.
    and make sure you not visiting strange,spooky places on web from computer you trade or you email setup up on it)))))))
    personally-i have one P3 dedicated for such things like games,kazaa,browsing porno/cracks/hackers sites, test downloaded software,etc))))))))
    if you trade online-you must take those security things very seriously and perform maintenance on weekly basics.
    i also prefer to use browser based email unstead of things like outlook. delete right away all emails with attachements from someone you dont know. i did test those keyloggers(when i was learning programming)-antivirus programs was unable to detect and recognize them))))))))
    #27     Nov 11, 2003
  8. Thanks for the revisit, Mishka.

    That you are still w/ IB speaks volumes.

    BTW, they say it is more efficient to retain current customers than to attract new ones. David must be generating considerable value for IB on this board if he can help retain clients like Mishka ...
    #28     Nov 11, 2003
  9. Got me one of those secure device thingies.

    If it's implemeted correctly on IB's end, it should make impersonation (from the outside) impossible without physical access to the device + the pin #.
    #29     Nov 11, 2003
  10. WarEagle

    WarEagle Moderator

    Is there an effective way to find keylogging software that is installed? I run Norton anti-virus and I am behind a hardware firewall (Linksys router) but you can never be too safe. I noticed on the link posted above to some keylogging software that it said it would not show up in the task manager.
    #30     Nov 11, 2003
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