Stock Market Up Move for December 2019

Discussion in 'Journals' started by SPX Blaster, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. SPX Blaster

    SPX Blaster Guest

    Yes, I would like to know why you feel my cycle analysis is wrong, misleading, based on a mistaken belief.

    Many years ago, people were taught that the earth is the center of the universe. Later, it was discovered that this belief was not correct. Hence, beliefs or facts discovered later, like the earth not being the center of the universe, changed what was earlier not understood. If you feel the market is random, is there a possibility that that understanding could change due to the discovery of market timing cycles?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2019
    #31     Oct 6, 2019
  2. Howard


    Dude. You're extremely defensive and seem to take yourself a bit too seriously. Light up a bit. This is just a message board.

    Anyway, your calls seem to be rather vague also. I'm sure if the markets drop in December, but rally mid December, you will claim your call to be a success...
    #32     Oct 6, 2019
    Turveyd likes this.
  3. SPX Blaster

    SPX Blaster Guest

    This Elite Trader forum is filled with trolls.

    I have many times stated my cycle analysis is not perfectly accurate, but may improve probabilities of success. Many forum members want someone to tell them when to buy/sell. They want proof of success, like wanting someone who seem's successful to post copies of their account statements.

    The poster above used the term fallacious towards me. He is accusing me of "tending to deceive or mislead". That is the dictionary definition of the word. How would you take it if someone said that to you?

    Thank you Howard.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2019
    #33     Oct 6, 2019
    Howard likes this.
  4. Turveyd


    The old 50/50 shot and if fail disapear and never mention, if right then try to get praised like a god.

    Not of any use to most of us anyway as we need specific entries with tight SL's while it's moving to make money.
    #34     Oct 6, 2019
    Howard likes this.
  5. SPX Blaster

    SPX Blaster Guest

    I'm going back to using the ignore and block function again. Here is what one poster who is now blocked accused me of. Fallacious = wrong, misleading, based on a mistaken belief. I will freely use the block function to stop the haters/trolls on this thread.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2019
    #35     Oct 6, 2019
  6. Howard


    I've also noticed that as soon as you're questioned by someone that member is a troll.

    It might be that some forum members want their hand to be held. I certainly don't. I have my own trading methodology.

    You're the one coming forth with claims and predictions, so you should also be able to withstand critical questions. Seems like you just want to get your ego stroked when your predictions go well, but can't handle the heat when they don't. :)

    That said, I do think time is worth paying attention to and there IS cyclical behavior in the markets...
    #36     Oct 6, 2019
  7. SPX Blaster

    SPX Blaster Guest

    I gave for free, information that was in the past, flawed, yet a man bought the rights to this form of analysis for $1.25 million in 1983. I'm getting nothing for posting how to do it on this forum.
    #37     Oct 6, 2019
  8. noddyboy


    Buy Dec SPY calls
    #38     Oct 6, 2019
  9. SPX Blaster

    SPX Blaster Guest

    I hope you don't mean buy the calls tomorrow. I believe there could be a big drop in stock indexes into November.
    #39     Oct 6, 2019
  10. SPX Blaster

    SPX Blaster Guest

    Here is my full moon date calendar that has the full moon dates that are 96 lunar months apart.

    I'll include the one for 32 lunar month increments.
    #40     Oct 6, 2019