Stock Market Up Move for December 2019

Discussion in 'Journals' started by SPX Blaster, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. noddyboy


    You have to do plus/minus the number in () below that for the confidence interval, and then they are pretty close given the errors.
    #81     Oct 7, 2019
  2. marameo


    So here we are a touch away from 3000. Yet, today was a gap opening and I believe next week there should be a downward move as the market has been in a trading range recently.

    According to wave theories a downward cycle should have its peak in the first quarter and this is what we are getting today (counting from oct 3rd).

    Market is currently trading 130% its volatility (ATR 20 periods) on a daily chart and 315% its vol on H1 chart. Short squeeze? Money flows out of gold and treasury and flows in equities?
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2019
    #82     Oct 11, 2019
  3. tiddlywinks



    Credit where due...
    You posted this "prediction" August 30, 2019.

    We are within a 2-day orb of the "expected" 10/13/19 high.

    10/13 was a Sunday and depending on geographic location, the full moon as well.
    Being a Sunday, Friday (a trading day) would have been within a 2-day orb... That's how I came up with a 2-day orb without the actual data.

    Will be interesting to see what's next. It's clear (to me) the "point" is late. In the old days, that meant expect the next point to be early. Or it could be the L-6 was on time, and we are headed to H-7, which has not been posted, afaik. nd therein is the subjectivity of DP that I hate! oh well.

    Like I said, credit where due.
    Nice job! Thanks @SPX Blaster!
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
    #83     Oct 15, 2019