NAKED SHORTING IS NOT JUST A PROBLEM OF THE OTCBB! There are proven instances of it occurring over and over again in listed securities. Go to Today, three listed stocks hit the list. I have spoken to many poliiticians and regulators. They are getting the word. The tact they take is jobs. Jobs are destroyed. And yes, money is transferred overseas. If you saw Dateline, and were lucky enough to see one of the documents where the defendants was "bryn myr"., do some research. They morphed into Valley Forge. The guy you saw on TV already has been harassed at home. When you trade and it goes against you, do you call the guya t home and threaten him??????? This is not the fucking Brady Bunch, people. And if you enjoy trading the markets, you better take an interest while there stillare markets. These people are so greedy, and the regulators and brokers so stupid... it's like masturbation. Nobody can quit. They will spiral this of to zero. There are billions of fake shares out there. One company has the emails from brokerages, including AGE, the vaunted mom and pop firm, saying they are failed on 570000, and the other sides are also short. Can't they just wash it out to zero.? Maybe I'll have the CEO post it here. The Feds already have them, so it's no big deal. If you can't tell, I'm pissed. My own industry shoved it up my ass.!