Taking 410K to 4million by Year End 2010

Discussion in 'Journals' started by neke, Jan 10, 2010.

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  1. Not speaking for Neke, but I am inclined to think he would be the first to disagree....I certainly do....

    #991     Nov 14, 2010
  2. charlied


    good comeback Neke. Take a breather, the market is at a crucial point with many leaders reversing lower in higher volume. I think market corrects 5% from here and resumes higher into year end
    #992     Nov 14, 2010
  3. You can't say that the BIDU losses were an aberration . . . when you take massive options positions on volatile stocks, it's part of the plan.
    #993     Nov 14, 2010
  4. Nine_Ender


    This is exactly what I think will happen as well. An aggressive trader like Neke needs to either start shorting or go to cash and wait for better entry points to go long.

    If the market drops tommorrow which could very well happen then things get accelerated the shorts might be too late by 10 am. I'm already short but its too late for new shorts until tonight/tommorrow is clear.
    #994     Nov 14, 2010
  5. Neke has the mental make up of a trader and not an analyst like most on this site. Having the mindset to handle drawdown and to battle back is not found in many traders, that's why I said he is probably the best trader on this site. I'm sure there are much better analyst on this site, but I was just looking at his mindset.

    #995     Nov 14, 2010
  6. neke


    Weekly Update for week 45/50 ended 11/19/2010

    Another positive week, up 15K (4.9%).

    Was mostly a week of caution. Made some 4K gain Monday, lost 8K on Tue with the market sell-off as I was mostly long. Refrained from trading Wed/Thur partly from lack of opportunities and partly because of lack of time (too busy in my office). Finally nailed it on Fri mostly with CRM, buying the CALL on the first pull-back today.

    Surprisingly my automation made no trades as well.

    Opening Balance:                	315,335
    Net gain for the week 		         15,385
    Net Balance:                   		330,720
    Number of Trades	            	10
    Number of Profitable Trades    	    	 6
    Since Inception of Thread   01/10/2010 - 11/19/2010
    Opening Balance:                   	410,000
    Net loss(Less Margin Interest)		 79,280 (Down 19%)
    Net Balance				330,720
    Number of Trades	           	1234
    Number of Profitable Trades        	 672
    		Number       P/L      Best Gainer  	Worst Loser
    DISCR 		10 	15,356.70     13,111.60 	-5,861.00
    CRMNOV202010130.0CALL	2010-11-19-10-12-04	2010-11-19-14-57-45	5000	11452		24650		13112		CRM CALL
    SPYNOV202010117.0CALL	2010-11-16-09-52-20	2010-11-16-11-30-20	10000	25489		19600		-5861		SPY CALL

    #996     Nov 19, 2010
  7. Picaso


    Way to go, Neke, keep it up!
    #997     Nov 19, 2010
  8. Neke, in your opinion, what do you think changed in the last 6 weeks or so? You spent much of the year going back and forth and taking a string of losses just before your dramatic turn around.

    In your view, what do you think has lead to this recovery? Was it a change in strategy, tighter discipline in terms of the trades you are taking, the markets changing to suit your trading style, or maybe something else?
    #998     Nov 20, 2010
  9. Where all the haters at? lol. Great job neke!.
    #999     Nov 20, 2010
  10. Nine_Ender


    It could be that a trainwreck gathers more attention then just some trader that lost 19% this year ( with indexes up 10%-15% ). And someone aiming for 1000% return will more often be a trainwreck then a success.

    Seriously now your premise is silly it is true people hate losing money so there will be "haters" when someone advocates a trading system that loses money.

    There is some recent evidance that Neke's strategy may be evolving for the better due to the critics on this site ( how's that for irony ). But I'm not sure yet. We've just come off two months of the very best trading environment for a hyper-aggressive trading style ( one directional bull move ). I'm sure there are some options traders out there who made 1000% return in two months. But we really should understand the risk elements in play.
    #1000     Nov 20, 2010
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