Taking Delivery of 2Y Notes...Issuance Question

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by killATwill, Jan 2, 2023.

  1. If you take delivery on say a March 2023 2-Year Note futures contract, what is the issuance date of the notes?

    Is the issuance date equivalent to the final settlement date of the contract?

    Thank you
  2. Cheapest to deliver
    killATwill likes this.
  3. Rob Carver?

  4. The Issue Date ("ID") has nothing to do with delivery instructions.
    The ID merely sets the base for interest accruals:
    1) How much accrual (how many days) will be charged on your buy confirm,
    number of days from ID to your settlement date. Treasuries are counted actual days in the holding period / actual days in the calendar year..
    2) And the First Coupon (F/C) date is when you will be reimbursed for that accrual payment.
  5. Yup
    killATwill likes this.
  6. Nice to see you here and thanks for your reply