The #1 Cardinal Sin of Trading is...?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by schizo, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. schizo


    There's a lot. But the biggest evil, in my mind, is constantly rationalizing your mistakes, which in turn hardens into a unbreakable habit.
    NQurious likes this.
  2. Never invest or trade with money that you can't afford to lose.
    dennis86, WS_MJH, DaveV and 4 others like this.
  3. MattZ

    MattZ Sponsor

    orbit23, WS_MJH, cafeole and 2 others like this.
  4. I agree, but also disagree. You can't level up without taking a risk.
  5. vanzandt


    tommcginnis and MattZ like this.
  6. zdave83


    Too much time reading ET posts instead of developing strategy :)
  7. rb7


    Shorting TLSA...(very trendy topic at the moment).
    orbit23 likes this.
  8. Axon


    Impatience. If I'm waiting for the setup then I must wait for the actual setup. Not the "that's almost it and I don't wanna miss it so screw it I'm gonna just take the trade now", um, setup.
  9. tommcginnis


    I dunno...... TLSA is near all-time lows, with no big issues (announced) on the horizon = looks like a fair short. :wtf:

    trader99 likes this.
  10. Trading your P&L instead of trading your method.
    #10     Jan 30, 2020
    Axon likes this.