The Foresight Thread

Discussion in 'Journals' started by dbphoenix, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. fortydraws


    I don't have it either, but if it stands as today's HOD, it will be marked on my chart for tomorrow. I don't see where he is getting it from either, and I agree that the trade is the failure. But the market sure acted as though everyone saw 90 but me :wtf:ops: I got short, but I was much later than I'd have been had price traded 94 or so. I did have 81.75, and I shorted the break back below that figure.
    #71     Apr 9, 2015
  2. pokito


    Typo Sorry, March 8 and 9. I didn't remember the dates either but had made a mental note of it. Now if the bots didn't spike each other so much, retail would make some decent money without getting caught in cross-fire.
    #72     Apr 9, 2015
  3. dbphoenix


    90 attracted the attention of everybody, including the dailies. Therefore, there were a lot more groups participating.
    #73     Apr 9, 2015
  4. dbphoenix


    There may be a few points difference because of the rollover (I don't pay attention to that stuff anymore).
    #74     Apr 9, 2015
  5. I tell ya. Sometimes I look at all this stuff and I think can it just be as simple as buying 70 each time with a 3 pt stop? You can do that 4 times before getting stopped out and then if you "re-bought" a 5th time it recoups that loss and then some. buy 70 once MFE 20, buy 70 again MFE 12.25, buy 70 again MFE 6.25 (this wouldn't even have to be exited), buy it again MFE 8.75 all before a single loss, then buy again lose 3, buy again MFE 8. Of course price is making lower highs so it might not be wise to do this after the first or second lower high but still. Can it be that simple lol. What I'm doing is working but what I described is much simpler lol. I spoke in MFEs because the exit would have to be defined. That's 47.25 favorable points before a single loss lol. Then buy 55 lol.

    This may have been better to post in the hindsight thread.
    #75     Apr 9, 2015
  6. dbphoenix


    Actually it would be better discussed in your journal, since the trade management aspect is an individual matter depending on, in par,t what you want out of the trade (and in part on how much time you have to devote to baby-sitting a trade).
    #76     Apr 9, 2015
  7. pokito


    If you follow NQ on 1 min, that 1:00pm (e) bar - what would DB do?
    #77     Apr 9, 2015
  8. dbphoenix


    We've been stuck at 78, again, which reinforces the R of it from this morning. As for the 1300 bar, I wouldn't be doing anything.

    If you have questions about trade management, I suggest you open a journal. TM is very specific to the individual.
    #78     Apr 9, 2015
  9. dbphoenix


    I hesitate to post this since it adds a layer of complexity, but if I don't, and we reverse at 4440, then there will be at least a few of the HaHa You Missed It type of posts, and since this is the sort of thing I look at . . .

    I'm not making much of this because we did the same thing in December and January and moved to new highs anyway. And the weekly trend deals the cards. But it is April. And markets do change their strides. And this is over seven years now. So . . .


    As of today, price is above both the median of the weekly channel and that of this little pissant channel from last month to now. According to AMT, that suggests a move to 4440. But AMT is a theory. D&S is a law. What is most important is to be prepared.
    #79     Apr 9, 2015
  10. pokito


    I got ya DB, sorry for digression.
    #80     Apr 9, 2015