The Trading Zone- Every superlative and more

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Dennis Dorsch, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. ksonic aka ski ceasar aka denver eddie ....his name in the paltalk room is the real crook here. after attending the room for approx 4 weeks and seeing how the room operates decided to become a paid member. im sure that anyone who is not totally stoned as he was would realize after one day that this is not a signal calling room . this is stated throughout the day everyday AS WELL AS AT THE WEBSITE. why does ski ceasar say he resides in the uk when he really lives in colorado ???if you look at ksonic posts ....says there he lives in queens ny. this was an attempt by a wiseguy to beat greg out of 1600 bucks . he stated to credit card company that he had never recvd the material . very easy for greg to prove that this was not true . this is why credit card company denied his claim . if during his membership and attendance in the room his issues were not addressed it would have been very easy for him to state his displeasure in front of 200 attendees . greg has been in business since 1994/95 offering an educational course while maintaining an open room in paltalk .if you dont like it move on . if denver eddie didnt like what he saw in the 4weeks he was there why did he signup???? because he tried to short circuit the system and it blewup in his face! i hope that greg exercises all legal options in giving denver eddie what he deserves.
    #181     Jan 18, 2008
  2. A classic sign of of a cult is the "members" coming to the defense of the leader.
    #182     Jan 18, 2008
  3. So true and it seems like this may go the way of Traders International.
    #183     Jan 19, 2008
  4. Okay folks. The secret sauce of this method can be found on these links. Not surprisingly, there is no nothing special here that's worth $1500. A more reasonable price--including unlimited consultation--is $399. Nothing in this system has proven that you will get a statistical edge from trading in this manner, so that explains why TTZ has no results posted on the website for those to see and evaluate.

    All of these indicators are in the public doman and can be found for free from most data platform vendors or brokers. For of those of you who are rabid Greg and TTZ lovers, please explain to this forum why anyone should lay down $1500 for this. Thanks to Sinatra at mypivots/com for posting this.

    "I was able to get a few good ideas from listening to the TTZ room and piecing together their approach. There are a few hidden nuggets on the the internet that can help you enjoy the chat. They were published by Greg himself there should be no question as to publishing his trade secrets. The following link has several days of the charts ("see them like never before") as they were published in an open blog. Thankyou wayback machine.

    From this you can setup your chart to look like the TTZ chart when you are listening. Most of it is straight forward except for the indicator similar to a bollinger band. This is a moving market profile with a TPO count above and below the POC. POC is the red band in the center and the UVA and LVA are in gray. The detailed explaination can be seen here.

    The other pivot/S/R point indicator from the charts is a price target indicator from the same site. There is nothing very special about this one."
    #184     Feb 7, 2008
  5. Okay gang, I can now confirm with no doubt that is not posting/and /or deleting posts that are not overtly favorable to TTZ and GregW.

    The question still remains, what is the undisclosed relationship between TTZ and mypivots which causes any controversial posts on that forum to get deleted? Guy Ellis went through this drill a year ago (meaning moderators must approve a post before it goes live) in an effort to muzzle members of the TradingZoo who spoke favorably of it so he could censor and/or redact their posts. The word then was he was peeved that TradingZoo refused to pay him a commission for new members that heard about the TradingZoo from his site.

    The question is, therefore, how much is GregW of TTZ kicking back to GuyE at to play ball and filter out the truth?
    #185     Feb 8, 2008
  6. maxpi


    Yes, and they all talk smack and threaten with "this is my last post to you losers" and then make ten more posts before they change to a new ID... I suppose that if there are half truths in what they teach a person might learn something from any of them but sometimes you have to slow down to speed up, hit the libraries and and hit the books... it should be cheaper and more satisfying than wasting time in some "room" all day...
    #186     Feb 8, 2008
  7. KiwiRoo


    If you think you can reverse engineer TTZ technique by looking at one of the Charts then good luck. And yes carcanaques, TTZ uses market profile, thank you for reminding, and again good luck figuring out how we uses it.

    (TraderHelp.Net???) LOL ROFL, what a joke. I have no idea what the hell they’re selling, probably some outdated indicators from 5 years ago? – When was eSignal ver 7.5 released?

    BTW, the price for the course is now increased to $2500. I paid less before this recent increase.

    Now I will tell you why I am happy to pay for their service, and why I would be happy to pay much more than what I’ve paid for.

    1 – Education.
    The way Greg taught me market profile have not only showed me how the market is structured in terms of price action, support/resistance but also gave me a great understanding of the WHY!

    Tape reading, some say it’s an art and cannot be taught. TTZ say it can be taught and they taught us 3 different ways of reading the tape – T&S, Chart setup and using a squawk box. I won’t say that I’m a master tape reader because I am not, - still much to learn and practice. But I’ll say thank you to Greg once again for showing me the techniques and cut my learning curve in half.

    Trade setups, as you said carcanaques, we use simple chart patterns with simple indicators that are available on almost every charting package. This is exactly why the course is so valuable. Pick up any charting software, set up the charts accordingly and you’re good to go, NO bullshit oscillators, butt cracking indicators, nutt squeezing meters required.

    2 – ON going support.
    If you could name another Educational provider that provides you free ongoing support please let me know, I’m always keen to learn new knowledge. Greg is training us (members) twice a week, every week after the market close. We do the training in Omnovia room, and as far as I know, they’re not cheap to host/month - Greg is absorbing all the cost so far but if he decides to transfer to cost to members, I will gladly pay! We have almost 100 members attending the training session, so that is a huge on going cost to Greg.

    3 – Live trading room.
    Free for the rest of your trading career. – This is not a signal calling room but you get to trade along side others with the same trading methodology. Sec, Greg and Gator does give us timely entries and exits of their trades.

    I won’t go on as there are too many more to say, but for me the first two points got me sold. I’m always in the live room but most of the time I have them on Mute. :D
    NO. A classic sign of a quality room with quality members. We are always helping out each other. I only saw that one idiot member posting a TTZ bashing post on a forum, but bashing about what? About Greg ripping him off and not giving him access to course materials? ROFL LOL, BULL SHIT!!! . See if you can find other Not-happy MEMBERS? The other TTZ bashers are NON-members just like you, please notice!

    People ask Greg to post his statement. Why should he tell you about his financial? Showing you a broker statement doesn’t mean you can earn as much as he does. Graduating from University of Oxford doesn’t mean you can be a doctor, and being a doctor doesn’t mean have to graduate from Oxford. Simply put, being part of TTZ doesn’t make you a successful trader. That comes with Hard work, Apiration and Discipline.

    (BTW no, I don’t work for them.)
    #187     Feb 8, 2008
  8. I think it is about time that you tell your cheap ass bosses to just pay to be sponsors here since I havent read anything other than HYPE , BS , INFOMMERCIAL GARBAGE coming from anyone remotely connected with the carnival barking jokers over at your organization.
    #188     Feb 8, 2008
  9. Yeah I'm sure all the shills (assuming there is in fact more than one person) could all chip would be mere chump change for ballers..errr.professional hedge fund trader/philanthropists like them right?
    #189     Feb 8, 2008
  10. maxpi


    He's training a hundred at a time at $2500 each, that's a quarter million per batch of trainees.. we are all in the wrong business...
    #190     Feb 9, 2008