The White Race is flocking to genetic ancestry tests. Some don’t like what they find.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Covertibility, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. White nationalists are flocking to genetic ancestry tests. Some don’t like what they find

    It was a strange moment of triumph against racism: The gun-slinging white supremacist Craig Cobb, dressed up for daytime TV in a dark suit and red tie, hearing that his DNA testing revealed his ancestry to be only “86 percent European, and … 14 percent Sub-Saharan African.” The studio audience whooped and laughed and cheered. And Cobb — who was, in 2013, charged with terrorizing people while trying to create an all-white enclave in North Dakota — reacted like a sore loser in the schoolyard.

    “Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on, just wait a minute,” he said, trying to put on an all-knowing smile. “This is called statistical noise.”

    Then, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, he took to the white nationalist website Stormfront to dispute those results. That’s not uncommon: With the rise of spit-in-a-cup genetic testing, there’s a trend of white nationalists using these services to prove their racial identity, and then using online forums to discuss the results.

    But like Cobb, many are disappointed to find out that their ancestry is not as “white” as they’d hoped. In a new study, sociologists Aaron Panofsky and Joan Donovan examined years’ worth of posts on Stormfront to see how members dealt with the news.

    It’s striking, they say, that white nationalists would post these results online at all. After all, as Panofsky put it, “they will basically say if you want to be a member of Stormfront you have to be 100 percent white European, not Jewish.”


    Yeah, science is a jewish conspiracy. <- You'll have to read the article to find out how these geniuses explain away the findings.
    Slartibartfast likes this.
  3. Darned corrupted real-whites causing mischief in our good name. :)

    I'm 100% Celtic & Scandinavian myself. My Latino girlfriend thinks my brown/blonde hair is nice but I see her checking out that Scottish Jamie guy from "Outlander".


    Ginger mutant.
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I did mine. I had like .05% Ashkenazi Jew. Damn, that must mean I'm a Jewish Nazi!
  5. Easy!

    Slartibartfast likes this.
  6. I met a girl once who's family name was Hotler, she was Jewish. An yes, she was both hot and kind of bossy.
  7. Couldn't give a fuck less who and what my ancestors were. I am an American. People who live in the past will never ever find any peace. We can put that stupid fucking statue of liberty in the museum right along with all those confederate statues. None of them mean a god damn thing in todays world. Things change, we need to make the necessary changes as we move along. For all you "progressives" out there, that is called progress. Still pissing and moaning about slavery and a decades old civil war...people this fucking stupid deserve all the shit that's coming your way. Sadly, you fucktards will take everyone else down with you. Thanks for nothing.
    Tom B and vanzandt like this.
  8. That's because your probably a mutt, of course that means your a bit generic looking but with a good immune system. Look at English bulldogs, they are in terrible shape.

    "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." George Santayana.

    Poor Americans. Such human suffering.

  9. ElCubano


    100% Cubichi papa. Even though mine said I was 90% Celtic and 10% Mandingo. I agree with Captainnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Obviousssssssss!!!
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  10. They should add two additional tests, of these a consanguinity tests as well.
    #10     Aug 17, 2017