This is a man's world

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Master Pu, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. I wonder how many ladies are here, I usually assume that there is an [overweight] male sitting on the other end of the post I respond to.
  2. jys78


    I assume zero. Remember, anyone claiming to be female on the internet is lying anyway.
    johnnyrock and Master Pu like this.
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Our site analytics from Google says that 82% of our audience is male.
    ElCubano, wrbtrader, VPhantom and 4 others like this.
  4. So I presumed correctly. BMI?
    taowave likes this.
  5. smallfil


    There are women traders out there in the real life but, most of them appear to be day traders. It is true that it is mainly, a man's world considering majority of aspiring traders happen to be men. Of course, 95% of aspiring traders fail so, a lot of men traders fail too.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. jys78


    I've seen some data suggesting women are on average better investors than men. More patient, disciplined, etc.

    But as in other areas there is a wider dispersion of outcomes for men who will have both bigger wins and losses. Therefore most of the top performers will be men. We just don't hear about the majority of losers, who are also men.
  7. 51ca10a36bb3f7af71000005.jpeg
  8. smallfil


    There are successful women traders out there. They gravitate towards day trading. Ones I am aware of anyway. There are probably, successful women investors too but, we do not know about them yet.
    murray t turtle likes this.
    smallfil likes this.
  10. %%
    Strange how often that 80\20 rule comes up.
    Female gun buys are up so much, more than 20%.......................................
    #10     Apr 29, 2021