Trump to get Nobel for Iran Deal

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bone, May 9, 2018.

  1. Man, you made some very valid points above and now this Trump crap. Iran at no single point took over the Middle East (lie by Trump) nor did it try. And if there is a single nation that destabilizes the entire region at least what concerns a nuclear weapons imbalance then it is Israel.

    #141     May 13, 2018
  2. Mr Strudle you might want to become more familiarized with what is actually happening in the world than what you read in MSM.

    To wit: This excerpt below is the most significant aspect from the the article linked below. It seems that Putin has finally understood that he has much more to gain dealing with Trump than anything he can get from Khamenei. In essence, if Putin turns to Trump, which seems to be happening, Iran is super toast.

    "Israel appeared newly emboldened as well, partly because of what seemed like extraordinary latitude from Russia, Syria’s most important ally, allowing the Israelis to act against Iran’s military assets in Syria.

    Moscow did not condemn Israel’s strikes, as it had in the past, instead calling on Israel and Iran to resolve their differences diplomatically."

    I report, you decide. :)
    #142     May 13, 2018
  3. Iran is super toast? Are you aware that Iranians are on average a lot more educated than the average American? Are you aware that their culture and history is older than when your ancestors were still nibbling fish and chips in caves somewhere along the now British coast? Are you aware of anything in Iran? The sentiment in the public, the religious infighting between the various factions? I see dangers that originate from certain extremist religious groups in Iran but you are throwing all the beans in one pot here.

    #143     May 13, 2018
  4. I think it is great when people learn and befriend people from other cultures. I am obviously not talking about the Iranian people, but its terrorist-sponsoring government.
    #144     May 13, 2018
  5. And how would you know that the last missiles fired into Israel were fired by Iranians? Other than of course what you heard from Israel. :) and the nice Israeli writeup right before Trump's Iran Deal decision where they claim to have knowledge of some secret research facilities that were hidden from inspectors. One of the biggest destabilizors in the entire Middle East is the criminal called Benjamin Netanyahu. This guy has so much dirt on his hands that he can easy shake them with the worst of any Iranian religious zealot of your choosing.

    #145     May 13, 2018
  6. DTB2


    So, give us your inside story as to who did it?
    #146     May 13, 2018
    Poindexter likes this.
  7. That is not the point, the point is what evidence do we have to castigate an entire nation, isolate it, and sanction it? Have you ever thought about what motivations all European nations, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Australia and many others have to want to keep the Iran Deal in place? Other than Germany or France hardly any other nation benefits from trade with Iran. The culprit here is Israel with a very specific interest that goes way beyond self defense. And Trump is falling for it in the same way he fell for the TPP, Nafta, climate accord, simply because he is listening to the wrong people. Not that he would have a clue in the first place about what he is doing. No other president has ever been less informed on diplomacy, international relations, and knowledge of strategic investing than the current president. And every couple days he is changing his mind. Now he wants to be back in the TPP, lol. Unfortunately this childish back and forth is not so easy when you alienate an entire region on earth and call an entire continent shit hole. This has nothing to do with political parties and everything to do with a hugely disqualified and incapable president who is so busy keeping his dirty secrets in the closet that he hardly has time for anything else. Even his own wife does not want to hold his dirty hands in public anymore.

    Last edited: May 13, 2018
    #147     May 13, 2018
  8. DTB2


    I am going to go waaaay out on a limb here and think that those who are making the decisions have more/better info than you. Given that, I'll take their word unless you have evidence why they are wrong. That's how it works.

    Also seems that the ugly American affliction of thinking with emotion is befalling you in your foaming Trump Derangement Syndrome. You should take a break, I'm getting worried for you.
    #148     May 13, 2018
    Poindexter and Optionpro007 like this.
  9. So, it is then confirmed that you believe anything that comes out of Trump's or Netanyahu's mouth just because you think they are better informed. Thanks for confirming that.

    I go out on a limb to believe the current president is out of his fucking mind, either subject to retardation or is suffering from some other ill:

    #149     May 13, 2018
  10. luisHK


    I don't read that many threads on this forum anymore but suspect yet another Volpunter incarnation...
    Girls need to have fun - but that sisterhood of one usually ends up banned on ET.
    #150     May 14, 2018
    Optionpro007 and Van_der_Voort_4 like this.