Trump to get Nobel for Iran Deal

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bone, May 9, 2018.

  1. Tom B

    Tom B

    #151     May 14, 2018
    vanzandt, DTB2 and Optionpro007 like this.
  2. Cuddles


    Missile exchanges between Israel and Iranian backed forces.... How's that nomination moving along?
    #152     May 15, 2018
  3. bone


    Pretty sure that some brand of Iranian backed forces have been shelling and bombing the Golan Heights since the Six Day War in 1967. In fact, Israel made the Iron Dome system operational in 2011 because Hezbollah (Iranian proxy) has been lobbing missiles at them for decades.

    But, alternatively, maybe we won’t need the Iran Deal because if Iran keeps this up Israel turns Iran into a giant sheet of radioactive glass ? I’m only partially being sarcastic there. Keep in mind that there are six very oil rich Arab Gulf Countries who now support Israel’s right to defend itself - that is a completely new dynamic courtesy of the regional war started as a result of the 2015 Iran Deal. Outside of terrorist organizations Iran has no real legitimate nation-state Allies that I’m aware of. Russia will sell them weapons for cash but I seriously doubt they would stand in the way of an Israeli strike package.
    Last edited: May 15, 2018
    #153     May 15, 2018
    Optionpro007 likes this.
  4. Do you even start to comprehend the complexities of this entire region? Do you understand that there are two world religions and two cultures that are colliding and both claim that land to be theirs? Do you understand that hundreds of millions of people lay the same claim on that land than Israel? And can you appreciate that two thirds on this earth or even more fight (violently and not) against America taking sides when it should be none of America's business? We can debate and argue to put rogue nations at their right place who have the clear intent to annihilate other nations. That was/is the case with Iran but the debate has to be specific about this intent and how to solve this problem.

    The problem here is not support for Hamas or Hezbollah which in their own right defend the land they claim to be theirs. America financially and militarily supports dozens of factions/tribes/groups that lay claim on land they believe is theirs. When Iran supports Hamas or Hezbollah then that is suddenly different? It is the exact same. Again, when Iran publicly pronounces its intent to want to annihilate Israel then that is an issue that needs to be dealt with. Again, those are separate issues.

    We have to stop being so ridiculously hypocritical. America sells each and every day weapons in exchange for millions in cash. America has supported terrorists for decades in various regions of the earth. America has invaded other sovereign nations without international authorization and without justification. And so have American settlers committed atrocious crimes against Indians and committed terrorist acts against British forces prior to the independence declaration. Let's keep all this in context when we judge a cultural group (here Palestinians) that aims to defend its land at all cost.

    This issue is so incredibly complex that reducing it to a few components does not do it justice and only reflects a limited mindset.

    #154     May 15, 2018
    TRS and Tony Stark like this.
  5. If you are Zzzz1 then welcome back! I know we disagree politically but I am diggin your posts in the other areas of this site! That was one long fishing trip in New Zealand that you took but welcome back.
    #155     May 15, 2018
  6. Cuddles


    Can they send the prize to his cell?
    #156     Oct 17, 2023
    Frederick Foresight likes this.