Turning $15K credit card debt into financial freedom

Discussion in 'Journals' started by Redsails, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. NoBias



    #81     Jun 20, 2016
    Simples, i960, m1nt and 1 other person like this.
  2. Best troll thread ever!

    #82     Jun 20, 2016
    mm2mm, K-Pia and Chris Mac like this.
  3. TradeCat


    Yeah, if you could turn down the batshit crazy a few notches.jpg
    #83     Jun 20, 2016
    mm2mm likes this.
  4. JackRab



    So you think the US labor market is weak??? It's reaching full employment... but it's weak...
    MBA/Fortune50 employee my ass... I wonder how and when you will ask for personal advice because you're in debt blablablabla.... seen that before.....
    #84     Jun 20, 2016
  5. JackRab


    no, he means he doesn't know how to get specific dated statements... :banghead:
    #85     Jun 20, 2016
  6. JackRab


    I have to say though.. I chucked quite a few chuckles on this read....
    #86     Jun 20, 2016
  7. Redsails


    Sorry, my English is far from perfect. The US labor market is indeed close to full employment thanks to millions of people like me sitting at home in slacks (hopefully not all of them day trading). Ms. Yellen mentioned us recently saying that there is some slack in the labor market (rather unceremonious remark on the part of the wise woman, I must say). So the right word is not weak but "slacky".
    #87     Jun 20, 2016
  8. K-Pia


    Overoptimism is one thing.
    Being Robust / Resilient is another one.
    IMHO you're fragile and dumb ... Too bold.
    Too cocky for letting fortune takin' care of you.
    That's great you've planned for the worst scenario.
    Because that's what you're laying the foundations for.
    There are more unsuccessful than successful ones that blew up.
    Because Successful < Unsuccessful ones.... To blow up isn't sign of success.

    Above dreams, expectations and wishes there is Reality.
    If you hope to make it. You hope to close your trades at a profit.
    Therefore you ain't in sync with the market. You're disconnected with reality.

    Did you only adjust your Prior expectations with the crap you're making ?

    If you give us all the outcomes you've produced so far.
    I could run multiples monte carlo simulations.
    Just to show you how south it's leading.

    My best case scenario is -> troll.
    Otherwise it's ... bankruptcy.
    Optimistic bias turned ON.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
    #88     Jun 25, 2016
  9. yiehom


    Registered here may 19th, a full month ago ? Plan to live on FX in 3 months?
    People, habemus geniusam !

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
    #89     Jun 25, 2016
  10. JNL


    Maybe peel off some of that borrowed cash and invest in a Rosetta Stone course to learn better English. Could lead to a job. Also. You're headed for a concrete wall at 100 mph (or kph) with your eyes closed. Never trade on money you "need to make", especially borrowed cash. Go get a job.

    #90     Jun 25, 2016
    mm2mm likes this.