US Fed to Print $425B for New Year’s — 3 Times Bitcoin’s Market Cap

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by guru, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Sig


    I plan to be in the South Pacific on my sailboat with a fishing pole. Mahi mahi tastes so much better than goat!:D
    #71     Dec 19, 2019
  2. kashirin


    So private equity didn't exist before the Fed?
    Or private equity don't exist in Russia?
    #72     Dec 23, 2019
  3. Sig


    You can't really be that ignorant about something you insist on arguing about? NO, it didn't and doesn't!
    #73     Dec 23, 2019
  4. kashirin


    Oh, my...

    Maybe you should drink less before posting
    #74     Dec 23, 2019
  5. Sig


    Want an odd thing for the guy with the syntax problems to say.

    How about you let us all know the top 10 PE firms in 1913 (that's when the Fed was established, something I have to assume you weren't aware of given your post). Or maybe just one that existed at all? How about the top 10 PE firms in Russia at the moment?

    No rush on that, I can wait till you sober up tomorrow. Projection is so transparent, you have to wonder how those of you who engage in it never seem to figure that out.
    #75     Dec 23, 2019
  6. Overnight


    And when the SHTF, you, bone, will be there to establish a futures market for ammo. And you will have these videos in archive to teach the people that manage to crawl out from under the rubble. :)

    How you will find the electricity to play this stuff to the wasted masses who are trying to trade ammo I do not know, but you definitely need videos like these in archive!
    #76     Dec 23, 2019