Wanna trade from the beach or the mountains?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by graeco, Jun 18, 2003.

  1. Scottie


    does it also need to be plugged into a phone line for the upload end of things?
    #11     Jul 17, 2003
  2. graeco

    graeco Guest

    No,no phone of any kind required.It is satellite both ways and will work in the boondocks.
    #12     Jul 18, 2003
  3. nkhoi


    buy, take pic, upload picture, return the camera, done
    #13     Jul 18, 2003
  4. lose receipt, too lazy to argue with store clerk, proud owner of a new camera, forget to fill out rebate form

    #14     Jul 18, 2003
  5. fabrizio


    A) Does the system works in Europe?
    B) No way to have just a scanned picture loaded on site?

    #15     Jul 18, 2003
  6. can you watch TV?
    #16     Jul 18, 2003
  7. graeco

    graeco Guest

    ok I will see what I can do about a camera this weeknd.
    You can recieve TV with the dish and you can surf and watch TV at the same time.The system does work in Europe.
    #17     Jul 18, 2003
  8. All this, and particularly the $99 a month bit sounds almost like an april fool's joke! Two-way Sat costs a lot more more here in Australia. I mean you can't even get 'decent' broadband for that.

    And please, folks, don't forget that satellite transmission is not suitable for scalping - Due to the latency factor. The response time per packet can be as much as several thousand ms (a few seconds), which makes you an easy target in microtrading and online gaming. Trust me - I'm a Hacker. (Maybe that's why you lost money graeco?)

    However, it would be great for Day Trading, and certainly a great way to live. I'd love to just do that for a while.

    LOL. I could even film it all and transmit every night at 8:00 pm or so. "Scientist's Trading & Road Adventures" Would poo all over "Johnny Bago"... :p

    Just a Thought. Have Fun Folks!

    ~The Scientist :cool:
    #18     Jul 18, 2003
  9. graeco

    graeco Guest

    I believe latency is usualy .7 sec.
    #19     Jul 18, 2003
  10. It is usually the same in Australia, around 600-950 ms (probably the same everywhere).

    It definitely doesn't work for scalping, where ppl say that even a 56k connection is too slow. After all, you need an edge, not a (possible) un-edge.

    Besides, the upstream / request time tends to be a little more even than the downstream, which can give you ugly slippage in order entry.

    But regardless of all that, Day Trading should work fine.

    I'll probably do the Travelling Trader thing one day...

    Have Fun,
    ~The Scientist

    P.S: By the way - For those who do not know what or how latency happens; Latency is caused by the time it takes for the information to be sent between sender to satellite, satellite to other satellites (sometimes all the way from one side of the orbit across across to the other, depending on information source), and the same thing again to the receiver. On top of that, there's often SYN/ACK (synchronize/acknowledge) between networks before data is transmitted, essentially doubling transmission time with double distance.

    Well, with all that distance travelled, it will take a while to get there - Even at lightspeed, which is just 300,000km/s. And as long as E=MC2 we won't able to improve on that...

    And on top of that, there's satellite processing time as well... Which adds to the latency. All in all, minimum time half a second ain't all that bad, though... :cool:
    #20     Jul 18, 2003